Some people proposed polymerizing the glycerine prior to nitration.
The invention relates to a device for polymerizing UV-curable plastics.
The network of actin is an active construct which is polymerizing and depolymerizing continuously.
The main reactions in the polymerizing process was proposed and the structure of copolymer was suggested.
At the same time, platinizing and polymerizing consecutively is first used for electrode surface modification.
Through primary treatment of acid wastewater, polymerizing iron sulphate of sewage cleaning anents is prepared.
He velocity of hydrolyzing and polymerizing of TEOS is in relation with the value of water, acid, and temperature.
Effect of raw material ratio and polymerizing process on the properties of the grafted chloroprene adhesive was discussed.
The effects of reaction conditions in the polymerizing process on the properties of pressed polish coating were investigated.
The present invention relates to the preparation of binuclear olefin polymerizing post-metallocene post-transition metal catalyst.
The invention relates to a sulfoacid rare earth catalyst for polymerizing high-cis-isoprene rubber and a preparation method thereof.
Molecular imprinting technique is a polymerizing technique to produce molecular recognition materials with high selectivity and affinity.
Comprehensively utilizing shallow and deep level knowledge, the FDPET conducts failure diagnosis to the PET polymerizing workshop section.
A solid product formed by polymerizing a urethane prepolymer in the presence of a curative has a Bashore rebound that is less than about 38%.
The film gave a high density and good stability in the atom-sphere, especially the polymerizing technology process could be repeated very well.
A high polymer made by polymerizing only one monomer substance, as compared with a copolymer, which is made from two or more different monomers.
The cross-linking of PVC resin is a resin comprising polymerizing dienes and polyenes cross-linker was added in the polymerization system of vinyl chloride monomer.
交联PV C树脂是在氯乙烯单体聚合体系中加入含有双烯和多烯的交联剂聚合而成的树脂。
The conditions for polymerizing compact and conductive polyaniline films were explored by electrochemical methods on a stainless steel anode in acidic aqueous solution.
The synthesis process of the present invention includes using polymerizing template reagent with several reactive nitrogen-containing radicals, especially diamine reagent.
Being a "cultural apparatus" that has great impact upon society, media has very strong "polymerizing and radiating" power and contributes a great deal to the spread of culture.
The results show as follows:(1)It is feasible to obtain polymeric carrier drugs by synthesizing unsaturated drug monomers firstly, then self-polymerizing and co-polymerizing them.
Based on the monolayer cell culture system, we resuspended the scar-derived fibroblasts in a solution of polymerizing collagen to develop a "three-dimensional" cell culture system.
Two kinds of PVA solution, which have different polymerizing degrees, are mixed with ammonium dichromate to obtain a high-resolution, water-proof developing photosensitive glue solution.
The present invention describes preparation of nanocomposite particles and structures by polymerizing monomers onto a functional inorganic colloid comprising a polymerization initiation site.
A novel polymer network stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal display was fabricated by doping a low concentration of liquid crystalline monomer and polymerizing under UV light at planar state.
Disclosed is a means for producing lactide efficiently in the production of a poly(lactic acid) by depolymerizing a lactic acid oligomer to produce lactide and ring-opening-polymerizing lactide.
The effective factors of dosages of material, neutralize reaction time, polymerizing reaction temperature on the performance of the polyacrylate ammonium salt thickening agent were have been examined.