But it will give you discounts on certain club cover charges.
Entertainment costs, taxes, tips, cover charges, room rentals, maids and waiters are all subject to the 50% limit on entertainment deductions.
In February 2002, the community decided to charge $0.25 per photo mainly to cover site maintenance fees, with 20% of charges going back to the photographer.
This is according to testimony given to lawyers and journalists by people who unwittingly bought the babies - many were told the charges were to cover the mother's expenses.
But for new credit card customers the minimum repayment will always cover at least interest, fees and charges plus 1pc of the outstanding balance.
What charges does each bill cover, please?
请问每张账单包括哪些费用? ?
The vendee should cover the sample fee and postage. but we'll deduct these charges after we receive the formal order.
And contrary to the charges against him, he says in the book, he never used colleagues' passwords or hacked into back-office systems to cover his tracks.
WeChat said the new move isn't meant to make profits but to cover the charges Banks impose on transactions.