"We're facilitators, not bosses," says Solano.
It's a pretty simple process used by plenty of facilitators.
The same rules for facilitators regarding sharing your whole desktop apply here as well.
Identified potential Quality Circle facilitators should be invited to a 3-hour training session.
They are facilitators, defusing conflict and steering the conversation back on topic when necessary.
Facilitators typically take a neutral stand, bring their tools and tool kits to help things run easier.
The parents are facilitators, helping their children seek out information and hook up with other people.
This resource list has been developed in consultation with the Key Facilitators of the working group on Article 12.
We promised to give facilitators motorcycles and a better employment package, but so far nothing has been given.
Language teaching requires learners as well as facilitators to have a concrete concept of the nature of language.
This resource list has been developed in consultation with the Key Facilitators of the working group on Articles 9 and 10.
What is more, setting up a TelePresence meeting is as easy as making a telephone call. Facilitators are no longer needed.
Workshop facilitators helped each country delegation design a work plan to test agricultural policies and evaluate their impact.
Corporate training managers are no longer only "developers and deliverers" of training, but rather the facilitators and champions.
This should be a facilitator's sole responsibility (don't make the mistake of asking facilitators to organize their own study circles).
This book, then, serves as both introduction and training for new facilitators, and as a reference book for the whole team thereafter.
Under one popular design, groups of homeowners would receive cash, technical advice from facilitators, and an accountability framework.
The World Bank already has about 6000 facilitators covering some 2000 villages in Aceh – about half the number of villages in the region.
世界银行已经招聘了大约6000名助理员。 他们覆盖了亚奇的2000来个村庄,占该地区村庄数量的一半左右。
He also prefers having multiple facilitators so that one can be dealing with technical issues while the other is keeping the people moving along.
In Aceh today, these facilitators are playing a vital role in the decision making process to rebuild areas devastated by last December's tsunami.
Professional meeting facilitators have developed a number of "group process" techniques designed to help groups work more effectively in meetings.
You can use them to help you build and expand the coalition, spread the word about the program, and provide practice for newly trained facilitators.
Immediately following the disaster, the facilitators were mobilized as a critical source of information on the impact of the earthquake and tsunami.
For those managers who remain, new skills are required to become coaches, supporters, and facilitators of self-managing teams of front-line employees.
The first question our facilitators asked each of us to answer, after acquainting us with Sanctuary model, was incredibly simple: "How are you feeling?"
The committee should set times and dates for all the different study circles, and develop a plan for matching study circle partici-pants, facilitators, and sites.