In fact he's not John Doe anymore, we have an ID.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》John Doe is not lying right?
Why is he still a John Doe?
You kill him, he's just a John Doe.
Poor John Doe is just lying someplace.
John doe obviously does not lie precisely here right?
For example, the to_label of a user might be John Doe.
例如,用户的 to_label 可能是 John Doe。
Business manager John Doe can now start to involve people.
现在业务经理John Doe能启动参加的人员。
The actor: the person performing the action (example: John Doe)
actor:执行动作的人(例:John Doe)
What happens when John Doe attempts to access the "Application B"?
当John Doe尝试访问“应用程序b”时将会发生什么情况?
Well, let's try another one Here lies John Doe probably the Ur-epitaph.
The attribute statement indicates that John Doe has got the "Guest" role.
attribute statement表示John Doe获得了“Guest”角色。
Lab was back on the intercom. "Trauma Two, I've got STAT results on John Doe."
This filter typically translates to authentication by full name (for example, John Doe).
这个过滤器通常转换为根据全名进行身份验证(例如:john Doe)。
Once John Doe receives the message, only he can decrypt the message using his private key.
John Doe收到该消息后,只有他可以使用他的私钥对其解密。
She glanced at the nurses waiting with John Doe in the elevator."Go ahead, " she called to them.
For example, if you have an Administrator named John Doe, you should create two accounts for that user.
比如说,如果你有一位叫John Doe的管理员,你得该用户创建两个账号。
John Doe will eventually have a bunch of beliefs about how the world works, make some plans, get some memories.
For example, an Address Change event can signify the fact that John Doe changed his address at 8 AM today.
例如,某个地址更改事件可能表示 John Doe 在今天上午 8 点更改了其地址这一事实。
If John Doe will not eat his greens, Uncle Sam will make him, if necessary by restricting the availability of other foods.
如果John Doe不吃绿色食品,山姆大叔可以通过限制其他食物让他就范。
So here lies John Doe except not here any place but here which is why of course the interest of the word lies is so interesting.
John Doe: (interrupts) a woman... so ugly in the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside.
"They'd say I was a hard worker" or even better "John Doe has always said I was the most reliable, creative problem-solver he'd ever met.
“他们说我是艰苦的工人”或什至更好“ John Doe已总是说我是最可靠的,创造性的解决问题,他愿意会见了以往任何时候都” 。
Listing 4 shows a request message from the "Application a", where we can see the WS-UNT (containing the identity of John Doe) inside the SOAP Header.
清单4显示来自于“应用程序a”的请求消息,我们可以看到WS - UNT(包含John Doe的身份)在soap头内。
According to the Daily Mail of November 16, Dutch advertising agency John Doe has designed the world's simplest phone that only lets people make calls.
If you want to send a private note to your friend John Doe, you encrypt that message with John Doe's public key (which you've stored on your own keyring).
如果您要将一封私有短信发送给您的朋友John Doe,您可以使用John Doe的公钥(您已经将其存储在自已的keyring中)加密该消息。
Some people regard him as a hero, also some people regarded him as a man, he is a legend John doe. The atrocities of grazing, judicial corruption, no justice.
有人把他当做大英雄,也有人把他看做无耻之徒,他就是传奇男人约翰· 多伊。
You could go to the site, type in their name, and it would say: John Doe is running on English 4.0, Chinese 1.2, Health 2.0, Cigarettes 7.0, Failure 1.2, Poverty 3.0, Good Spouse 4.0.
你可以到这网页上,输入他们的名字,然后就会显示:John Doe正在运行英语4.0 中文1.2 健康2.0 香烟7.0 失败1.2 贫困3.0 优秀的配偶4.0 。
So even if the queue manager is configured to accept only SSL authenticated connections from John Doe, the MQ API still allows John to assert a different identity in his connection request.
因此,即使队列管理器配置为仅接受来自 John Doe 的 SSL 身份验证连接,MQ API 仍然允许 John 在其连接请求中断言一个不同的身份。