Eventually, the shipyards created a competition amongst themselves for speed in building a Liberty ship.
The cruise ship Le France is welcomed by fireboats as she sails past the Statue of Liberty in 1962.
Emerge from the tunnel in Pudong and walk toward the Oriental Pearl Tower, a TV tower that would be Shanghai’s Statue of Liberty if the Statue of Liberty looked like a rocket ship in Christmas lights.
从浦东观光隧道一出来就可以看见东方明珠电视塔,我们漫步走向那里。 假如说浦西的上海解放纪念碑在圣诞节的灯光下像一架矗立着的火箭,那么这个电视塔才应该是上海的解放纪念碑。
The whole ship was given liberty.