A recent ranking of academic economists was topped by Joseph Stiglitz and Andrei Shleifer, two prominent hole-pokers.
最近的理论性经济学家排名中,两位杰出的驳斥者,约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)和安德烈·施莱弗(Andrei Shleifer)排名榜首。
Then again if you notice, they are playing Chinese Mahjong, not Western Pokers. Playing with the rules of Chinese game, what is the odd for USA?
Late Red-Hot Pokers are another spectacular sight at the end of the season, and their colouring couldn't be better with berries and the first of the autumn foliage.
His light , a little later , broke through chinks of cottage shutters , throwing stripes like red - hot pokers upon cupboards , chests of drawers , and other furniture within ;