Some forager ants go out, and as soon as they find food, they pick it up and come back to the nest.
The less food there is, the longer it takes the forager to find it and get back.
But the forager needs several contacts no more than ten seconds apart before it will go out .
At a court the judge is interrogating a forager but gets into difficulty because the forager is a foreigner who doesn't speak English.
Scott's heart broke at the sound of her voice; save for a hint of Southlands Forager accent, it might as well have been that of Marlene Rush.
Dr Schofield and his team used hi-tech microscopes to compare the pristine teeth of laboratory-reared pupae with the worn teeth of the wild forager ants.
斯科菲尔德博士和他的研究小组用高清显微镜来对比研究室里培养的切叶蚁蚁蛹的牙齿和野外的切叶蚁已经磨损的牙齿。 他们发现蚁蛹的锯片比老龄切叶蚁的锯片锋利340倍。