An unprecedented number of unsold cars in Japan have forced Toyota to stockpile them in the parking lots of Fuji Speedway.
Chile has given up its entire stockpile.
Sure, times are tight and it's hard to stockpile.
We urge other countries to help us build up the international stockpile.
WHO would use this stockpile to respond quickly to an emerging influenza pandemic.
All the same, Iran has increased its known stockpile of low-enriched uranium this year.
South Africa supplied Israel a 500-ton stockpile of uranium for its nuclear program.
America has rightly kept its eagle eye on its weapons stockpile since it stopped testing in 1992.
U.S. officials say they have distributed about 12 million doses of Tamiflu, from a federal stockpile.
About 75% of that comes from so-called "gold farmers" who stockpile game currencies to sell on later.
If your systems are interconnected to failover to hot spares automatically, your stockpile can be slight.
Fine, but how exactly any strategic stockpile will be split up during a global pandemic remains a mystery.
Though the FHR still holds more helium than any other stockpile by far, its stores are rapidly diminishing.
Drive closer and the sharp white peaks turn out to be a small Alps of salt -the Aral Tuz Company stockpile.
当车辆靠近后,那白色的尖峰就变成了一个由盐构成的小阿尔卑斯山——那就是咸海塔兹(the Aral Tuz)公司的储备。
"I should expand production and keep the products in a stockpile," Li says, speaking rapidly in a country accent.
Under it, Iran would give up most of its uranium stockpile in return for enriched fuel for a medical reactor.
About 75% of the market comes from "gold farmers" who play and stockpile game currencies to sell at a later time.
I like to keep a stockpile of my favorite foods in my pantry so that when the mood strikes, I have what I'm craving.
The unclassified version of the Section 1251 report, as well as the Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan, reflect this.
It is used to monitor the us nuclear stockpile, as well as conduct research into astronomy, genomics and climate change.
Food price increases in 2007 and 2008 led some countries in the region to stockpile food and temporarily ban grain exports.
WHO is ensuring a stockpile of essential drugs for the treatment of waterborne diseases and equipment for laboratories and others.
The IAEA wants Iran to send most of its uranium stockpile to Russia and France to boost it to 20 percent and turn it into fuel rods.
Part of this stockpile has already been distributed through the WHO Regional Offices, which are handling allocation and distribution.
The WHO stockpile is meant to complement other measures of international and national preparedness, including any national stockpiles.
"We have a stockpile of drugs. Tamiflu deals with it once it's started and deals with it very effectively, we know from Mexico," he said.