In time that too would become a more obvious benefit.
A less obvious benefit would be a decrease in overhead costs.
The system has been used in the bank and made obvious benefit.
The obvious benefit of anodizing is you can add color to aluminum.
One obvious benefit of digital downloads is their ability to scratch an immediate itch.
There is, thus, no obvious benefit to sending Mr Megrahi home, and there is clearly a cost.
The compound plate and welding are used widely in our company and gain obvious benefit.
A less obvious benefit to mobile and prefab homes is that they're environmentally friendly.
The less obvious benefit is the real-world training for our people, especially our younger people.
Is there some less-than-obvious benefit embedded in the event that a trained eye might discern?
Antihistamine appears to be of no obvious benefit in preventing acute reactions from antivenoms.
The most obvious benefit is that the participants can get professional advice from the experts of the club.
Concurrently, the productivity and sinter quality indices were improved, the obvious benefit was obtained.
It routinely creates and distributes great products for free, even when there is no obvious benefit to the company.
Nowadays it is clear that a sensible blance between latent hazard and obvious benefit has not always been struck.
The obvious benefit of this aspect of cloud computing is the economy of scale and, thus, much lower operational costs.
Although gaining new members would be an obvious benefit for the churches, those involved say it is not the primary goal.
There is a conundrum here: if energy efficiency is such an obvious benefit to us all, why don't we use energy more wisely?
The practice shows that the methods are effective to improve the anti-slipping performance with obvious benefit to both economy and society.
There is an obvious benefit to this procedure, namely the simplicity of installing updates and the increased likelihood of running an up-to-date browser.
Recovery and utilization of the converter gas may increase economic benefit and reduce environmental pollution. Therefore, it has an obvious benefit.
And compared with most rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors tend to have a longer working life. In time that too would become a more obvious benefit.
The most obvious benefit is that Brits can work in Rome, Geneva, Dublin or elsewhere with ease but manage to stay outside the UK tax net for the most part.
Another less obvious benefit of using pools is that as a programmer, you don't have to worry about memory leaks: they're automatically managed internally by the Boost library.
An obvious benefit is that it's a good way to retain valuable, well-trained employees by allowing them to balance their home life and work life, especially when they become parents.
This paper briefly discusses the governing measure of slope form land in Wuchang City, poses the concrete countermeasure and analyzes the obvious benefit after adopting the measure.
According to the test result, the pile's length had determined after analysis, it realizes optimizing design that both guarantee the project security and to have the obvious benefit.