Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now.
《新英汉大辞典》Lionesses are in charge of hunting for the pride and work together to bring down fast-running herd animals like wildebeest, zebra, and antelope.
Often charged with the welfare of a dozen lionesses and 20 or more cubs, a male lion will summon all his celebrated ferocity to protect his pride.
Nala decides that she needs to flee to the jungle in order to escape Scar's clutches and help find a new land where the lionesses can live in peace.
Gary Larson, a cartoonist, once drew three disgusted lionesses spitting out the wobbly flesh of "a tofudebeest—one of the Serengeti's obnoxious health antelopes".
漫画家加里。拉尔森(Gary Larson)画过这样一幅漫画:三头母狮们厌恶的相继吐出口中摇晃着的块块鲜肉,因为它们捕到的是“塞伦盖蒂最令人作呕的健康羚羊——豆腐羚”。
You might think this is cruel and unfair but the adolescent male of this pride is also the brother of these lionesses so he needs to go, otherwise inbreeding occurs.