Molecular reaction dynamics is a branch of chemical reaction dynamics.
Time-depended quantum wave packet method has became a major method of studying molecular reaction dynamics.
Since most chemical reactions are carried out in the liquid phase, the density matrix theory has been widely used in the study of molecular reaction dynamics.
Research with quantum theories on the rules of molecular reaction dynamics, which is a main branch of chemical reaction dynamics, is currently one of the most important research topics.
Molecular reaction dynamics, which is also named microscopic chemical kinetics, is an object of studying mechanism and microscopic feature for chemical reaction on molecular and atomic level.
Free radicals and molecular ions play an important role in the study of interstellar medium, chemical reaction dynamics and medicines.
Molecular collision and reaction dynamics is a subject of studying microscopic mechanism of chemical reaction in molecular and atomic level.
The main problem in the dynamics of chemistry reaction. is to explain the primary dynamics of single molecular reaction.