The Australian box jellyfish, or sea wasp, is most likely to succeed in killing you.
The Australian box jellyfish, or sea wasp, is most likely to succeed…in killing you.
Also known as the sea wasp, this salad-bowl sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles each 15 feet long.
It is a sea wasp, the Australian box jellyfish can have up to sixty tentacles, each 15-foot long and with enough venom to kill 60 people.
澳大利亚盒装水母具有多达六十条的触手! 每一条都多达15英尺长(4米5。。。。)
The box jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp, lives off the waters of Northern Australia and is the most poisonous sea creature in the world.
Also known as the sea wasp, this salad-bowl sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles each 15 feet long. Each tentacle has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans.