The sorry tale will sound remarkably familiar to old China hands.
Sorry tale: Tiger Woods has made several fulsome apologies to his wife Elin for his serial infidelity
FSV Mainz 05. One victory in their last 21 matches in all competitions tells its own sorry tale.
"There was a whole string of events that took place in this sorry tale," Davies said. "They really resulted in what the IOC sees as a scandalous saga."
The sorry tale began in 2007, when Jingzhou Chuhang Special Steel Products Co. , Ltd decided to build the unlicensed mill 100 meters from the gates of Yangtze University.
What emerges is a sorry tale in which bankers defeated the best efforts of regulators by bundling bad loans into securities that were sold to a list of hapless (mainly European) investors.
Assuming Liu's tale is true, it's a sorry commentary on the state of affairs in China's penal system.