Though all are thus satisfied with the dispensations of nature, how few listen to her voice!
虽然对于自然的分配,人人都感到满意; 然而肯听听她的忠告的人却是如此之少!
Though all are thus satisfied with the dispensations of nature, how few listen to here voice!
It is they who have the Hubble, the new sdo satellite, the new WISE probe, so how can anyone question their dispensations of wisdom?
If the Koreans were to take full advantage of these dispensations, they could undercut European rivals that do have to pay duty on foreign parts by up to 4.5%.
Aboriginal hunts are granted local dispensations, and, to the justified outrage of many, Japan conducts an annual whale hunt under the guise of "scientific research."
原著民捕鲸被认为是当地流传不可或缺的(传统)。 在很多人合情合理的愤怒下,日本每年都还会在“科研”的幌子下捕鲸。