Many companies take a stand against workstation disorder, but they say it is for pragmatic reasons.
Lauren: You know what I think? Our society should take a stand against every crime. Then things would improve!
Thus, if your parents, boss, neighbors, or even spouse, take a stand against some of your behavior, you can see that as natural.
Should people respect and tolerate everyone's opinions, or should people take a stand against opinions they consider to be wrong?
These incidents in my workplace embarrassed and infuriated me, and I felt the need to take a stand against such insensitive behavior.
This is the kind of courage that you read about in storybooks - the courage to take a stand against great adversity, face the monsters and confront overwhelming odds.
Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2, 000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change.
Federal funding of stem-cell research has been withdrawn as a result of pressure by people-a minority among taxpayers-who take a moral stand against it.
There is plenty of time for Mr Zuma to take a public stand against this rotten press bill.
The strategy sends a powerful message: countries are willing to work together to take a tough stand against the harmful use of alcohol.
If London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe can take ice baths after a hard race, you can stand a bag of frozen peas against your sore knees for 15 minutes.
Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Take a firm stand against putting expediency above principle; bluff ahead of facts.
Take a firm stand against putting expediency above principle; bluffahead of facts.
I had learned again that I could take a hit and that there's more than one way to stand against aggression.
Mr Karzai told the gathering the people of Kandahar had to take a strong stand against the militants.
And they would take a deep breath before they fasten their clothes cinctures. As a result of doing this, they could only stand up with the support of their hands against the wall.
In this way, from the very beginning, one has to take a stand of courageousness and fearlessness against adversity.