Avoid using concatenation strings in code.
Binding Parameters vs. String concatenation.
2绑定参数vs .字符串拼接。
The simplest example is the concatenation of strings.
It returns a concatenation of the path formed using LHS and RHS.
For any given string, the correct value is the concatenation of.
The only difference is that concatenation is used instead of addition.
惟一的差别是,这里使用的是 并置(concatenation),而不是 相加(addition)。
Concatenation would concatenate the string and print it as one argument.
Then create the second concatenation, d2, from c0t1d0s0 (see Listing 3).
然后从 c0t1d0s0 创建第二个串联 d2,(请参见 清单 3)。
Take note of how each section of the concatenation is retrieved from args_list.
The column key is the concatenation of the family name, the: symbol, and the label.
Listing 2 shows a sample algorithm which creates such a key by string concatenation.
The final result list is concatenation of the result list from the individual slices.
Note the use of concatenation with the xs2jpg function in order to create the JPEG file.
It then USES string concatenation to create a complete, well-formed XML document from it.
CopyPages makes it easy to construct a PDF document as a concatenation of several pieces.
copyPages很方便地把几个PD f文档连接起来形成一个PD f文档。
The rope counterpart simply creates a new concatenation node, which is an o (1) operation.
The printk function relies on a feature of the C language called string literal concatenation.
printk 是基于 C 语言中一个名为字符串 逐字连接 的特性。
Notice that we have simple string concatenation here (". "is the concatenation operation in Perl).
注意我们在此处进行了一次简单的字符串拼接操作(“ . ”在Perl中是拼接操作)。
Listing 3 depicts the proposed approach to avoid concatenation in your code; it shows one solution.
Also available is a combined report, which is simply a concatenation of View-based and Basic reports.
It should generally not be used merely as a replacement for simple string concatenation. For example.
Copy the load module to a library that is part of the DFHRPL concatenation for the target CICS system.
An index entry is created for the concatenation of the two preceding items (tag context plus data element).
That concatenation is then included in the "href" attribute of the generated element (href="...{$params}").
然后将该并置包括在生成的 element ( href="...{$params}" 的 "href" 属性中)。
Use parameterized queries or stored procedures to access a database as opposed to using string concatenation.
The full sentence is not tagged into one term in the properties file if it contains the concatenation strings.
The Implementation Layer also performs segmentation and concatenation of messages for the underlying protocol.
Mixing text and fields is also a concatenation issue, which can be similar to the issue we previously discussed.
Now you'll create a more generalized concatenation function using the two functions Lisp is famous for: car and CDR.
现在您将使用两个著名的Lisp car和cdr函数创建更通用化的concatenation函数。
We also have the added problem of duplicating the string concatenation using join(), which adds an extra second.
我们还添加了使用 join() 复制连接字符串的问题,这会额外增加 1 秒的时间。