1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-13 01:33:27
英 [ʃɑː]



  • For example, the English word "sofa" is similar in Chinese (sha fa) .


  • We can stop off in Tsim Sha Tsui and get something to eat first.


  • SHA-1 is a fairly typical mathematical computation.

    SHA - 1是一种非常典型的数学计算。

  • Compared to other office buildings in Tsim Sha tsui.


  • Note that passwords in this database are encrypted via SHA.


  • Just requiring a special SHA-1 hash value is not enough.

    只有一个特定的SHA - 1散列值是不够的。

  • The hash value is the Base64 encoding of the SHA-1 checksum.

    散列值是SHA - 1的Base64校验编码。

  • Ambassador Sha Hailin, Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests.


  • In turn, the negative energy flowing throughout our lives is labeled sha qi.


  • Python has a standard module sha, which makes coding hashcash relatively simple.


  • The last 20 bytes are SHA-1 hash digest of the bytes in "signedCertificate."


  • Choosing between MD5 and SHA-1 is a tradeoff between security and performance.

    在MD5和SHA - 1之间作选择是安全性和性能之间的权衡。

  • About eight hundred square feet. Compared to other office buildings in Tsim Sha tsui.


  • The manifest file contains the SHA-1 digests of the individual files in the OVF package.

    清单文件包含ovf包中各文件的SHA - 1摘要。

  • They will typically employ cryptographic algorithms such as RSA, SHA-1, AES, and Triple-DES.

    它们通常都会采用一些加密算法,例如rsa、SHA - 1、AES和Triple - DES。

  • Among the 63 goats she has, 38 belong to my family. "- Sha Guixiang, 38 Nanyao upper village."


  • "Our technology links up many hard drives to run in parallel," explains product manager Sha Chaoqun.


  • It's clever because it is quite resistant to attack, even in the face of weaknesses in MD5 and SHA-1.

    说它聪明的原因是即使面对MD5和SHA - 1的弱点,它的防攻击能力还很强。

  • The SHA algorithm is more secure, producing a 160-bit output compared to the MD5 algorithm's 128-bit output.

    与MD 5算法的128位输出相比,sha算法更安全,它产生160位输出。

  • Changing to a more complex algorithm, say from MD5 to SHA-2, 16 does little to restore password integrity.

    变更为更复杂的算法,比方说从MD 5变更为SHA - 2, 16对恢复秘密的完整性没什么作用。

  • Robust checksum algorithms like MD5 and SHA do much more than simply take the remainder when dividing by 256.


  • Sha Shou Jian a popular expression used by sports commentators, businessmen and even in romantic advice columns.


  • Since MD5 hashing has been broken, the client wisely stipulated that all keys must be signed using SHA-1 instead.

    由于 MD5 散列法已经被破坏,客户明智地规定,所有密匙必须使用 SHA-1 签名。

  • Delay's first version was a command-line application which verified the files checksums using MD5, CRC-32, or SHA-1.

    Delay发布的第一版本是命令行应用程序,可用于检验使用了MD 5、CRC - 32或SHA - 1算法的文件验证码。

  • The cryptographic hash is calculated using the SHA-256 algorithm and the digital signature is generated using the RSA algorithm.

    加密散列是使用SHA - 256算法来计算的,数字签名是使用rsa算法来生成的。

  • Since Xiao Sha left to join the national squad, there have been nine years of newspaper cuttings but barely any personal contact.

    自从Xiao Sha离开家人参加国家队以后已经9年了,但是一直没有跟家里见面。

  • The KCRC yesterday beat rival MTRC to the $26 billion contract to build and run the new rail link between Sha Tin and Central.


  • The type attribute indicates the hash algorithm, such as Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5) or Secure Hashing algorithm (SHA-1).

    类型属性指出了hash算法,例如消息摘要算法5 (MD5)或安全哈希算法(SHA - 1)。

  • tsim sha tsui

