1 词典释义:
declare on
时间: 2024-12-07 10:51:30


  • What things do I have to declare on this form?


  • These possessions may now be considered as "objective criteria" of large incomes regardless of what their owners declare on their tax returns.


  • Please let me to declare on this occasion a donation of 140 billion dollars to the global fundation of AIDS, ague and tuberculosis within the next three years.


  • Why don't they land right on the White House lawn and declare themselves?


  • Obviously mindful of the publicity value of the situation, Journal editor George Lundberg appeared on TV to declare, "Age doesn't matter."


  • "He would stand on those platforms and declare, 'Danny Shechtman is talking nonsense. There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists.'" Shechtman said.


  • A variation on this theme uses contract interfaces for a client to declare its requirements.


  • Components must declare any dependencies on other components.


  • He will stand on a chair, fork raised high, and declare himself King of the Tri-Pronged Utensils!


  • Although selling shares in losing funds can be smart for those who plan to declare a loss on their taxes, many people have shifted money into saving accounts and money market funds.


  • But if agile is the goal, you can do all kinds of dysfunctional things, slap the word "agile" on what you're doing and declare success, but without actually ever making anybody's lives any better.


  • For example, some databases provide special syntax on the select statements to declare the intentions of updating the rows selected by the select statement.


  • Operating on a channel the client is now ready to declare AMQ components.

    如果需要在一个通道上进行操作,那么客户端需要声明A MQ组件。

  • J2EE components, such as WAR files and EJB JAR files, must declare their dependence on resources outside their deployment units.

    J2EE组件(例如WAR文件和EJB JAR文件)必须在它们的部署单元之外声明它们在资源上的依赖性。

  • Imagine if we declare a unilateral ceasefire and a few days later rockets fall on Ashkelon. What will that do to Israel's deterrence?


  • First, modules only see packages on which they declare a dependency.


  • Today’s MPs—including Michael Martin, the speaker, who was forced to declare his resignation on May 19th—might well curse their forebears.


  • FREDRIK REINFELDT, Sweden's prime minister, was quick to declare victory on election night on September 19th.


  • It's the person who borrows heavily and isn't afraid to declare bankruptcy that survives and goes on to prosper.


  • He would stand on those platforms and declare, 'Danny Shechtman is talking nonsense. There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists.'


  • Declare them on the Administration section, as shown in figure 4.


  • A new kind of declare statement for declaring annotations on types, methods, constructors, and fields has been added.

    AspectJ 5中还添加了一种新的声明语句,用来在类型、方法、构造函数和字段上声明注释。

  • Then I do the same thing on line two and I declare something called "y."


  • Given the remote table definitions for items and suppliers, you can declare check constraints on the corresponding nicknames with the following commands.


  • The elements in Listing 4 declare the dependencies of this application context on the services provided by other SCA components available within the composite.

    清单 4 中的 元素声明此应用程序上下文对由复合集中其他可用的 SCA 组件提供的服务的依赖关系。

  • Provides a way for you to declare the dependencies of a Spring bean on the services provided by other SCA components available within the composite.

    用来在由此复合集内可用的其他SCA组件提供的服务上声明一个Spring bean的依赖项。

  • You declare introduced methods and member variables almost exactly as you would regular class members, except that you must qualify which class you declare them on (hence ValueObject.timestamp).

    除了必须限定在哪个类上声明引入的方法和成员变量以外(因此是ValueObject . timestamp),声明引入的方法和成员变量几乎与声明常规类成员相同。

  • Projects that are authored can declare dependencies on other projects using the Dependency editor.

