Then you have your friends in front of you with the same span of arms.
The technology-driven Nasdaq index has climbed about 5 percent during the same span.
Priestess's members are shallower in depth than their reinforced concrete counterparts for the same span and loading conditions.
The test model and another model with the same span, span-height ratio, and sectional dimensions were analyzed using the finite element analysis software ANSYS.
同时利用有限元计算软件AN SY S对试验模型以及与试验模型相同跨度、跨高比和截面尺寸的门式刚架进行计算。
Through model test it is shown that in the condition of the same span the value of hammed water is gentler with the change of skew Angle. So the design option is feasible.
Meantime, the S&P 500 index was up 10% over the same span–if this downward trend continues it will only be the ninth time–since 1956–that Buffett’s performance lagged the general market.
The calculation models of curved beam Bridges with same span length, but different curvature radius, center angles and supporting forms are established by means of finite element software.
In our example, a token cannot span multiple lines, therefore first_line and last_line are the same and hold the current line number.
Transactions cannot span databases, but they can span schemas in the same database.
A majority of people who listened to the debate on the radio considered Nixon the winner. A poll of TV viewers of that same debate found a clear majority believed Kennedy had won [source: C-SPAN].
And the number of couples that included a high earner and a low earner in the relationship decreased by 2.8 per cent from 28.6 to 25.8 per cent in the same time span.
For example, some sites can create a cluster of Domino servers that span across multiple operating system partitions on the same hardware server.
The LED lighting has fifteen times more life span if compared with the same conventional bulbs, he noted.
Philadelphia set a record of 20 consecutive defeats in 1973 in the same season and Cleveland lost 24 straight games in 1982 over a two season span.
Cameras should realize that if you took a group of pictures within a span of two hours, they are probably all of the same event.
Dwarf mice with the same GHR mutation have low cancer rates, increased insulin sensitivity that protects against diabetes, and extended life span.
At the same time, the sport's age section chief is wide: long or less time learners, large age span.
It can only have more examples of that same tag structure: a span, containing an anchor tag with a name attribute and some text to display.
I extend the span of my life to live here and there at the same time.
At the same time, performance of two-way composite slab with different boundary conditions and different span-ratio are analyzed.
His body will continue to live its normal span and usually goes out, in the eyes of the unknowing, the same way most bodies go out, via so-called death and coffin.
At the same time, the stability of big-span tunnel with influence factor such as section size, high-span ratio and depth is studied.
In order to make the hearth and hearth bottom have the same life-span as that of blast furnace, one of effective measures is to form a layer of slag-metal skull on the hearth and hearth bottom.
Surface treatment service is also provided to prolong the life span of our products at the same time reducing the need of costly and repeated maintenance.
Its application and generallying receive the restriction in life-span of the mould and production safety, etc. at the same time .