The hacking is being investigated, and FoxNews. com regrets any distress the false tweets may have created.
Deorbiting the station in 2020 simply hasn't been discussed at all, knowledgeable sources told FoxNews. com.
"I wouldn't be surprised if the ancients were looking up at the clouds and seeing patterns early on," he told FoxNews. com.
For example, CNN's Twitter profile posts the update sooner than its RSS feed updates and FoxNews updates are posted at about the same time.
Lord Rayleigh later put it into a theoretical framework, explaining the hexagonal patterns observed in the lab, Feingold told FoxNews. com.
Lord Rayleigh稍后把它转换为理论框架,并解释说在实验室观测到了六边形的样式。
“Ice is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap,” read one FoxNews story on the expansion.
"Ice is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap," read one FoxNews story on the expansion.
Ccording to the Foxnews on November 22, painful memories of people could be erased from their mind by a new medical technology, a research made by Johns Hopkins University suggests.
据国外网站“the Foxnews”11月22日报道,约翰•霍普金斯大学一项研究表明,一种新型药物技术可以“抹去”人们的痛苦记忆。
Senator Bill Nelson, a former astronaut and a congressional expert on NASA, told FoxNews. com the Russian comments were intended mainly to mitigate concerns about the growing issue of space junk.