This evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant.
But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant.
Information dissymmetry cause consumer to search in the course of shopping.
Audit is a valid assignment for decreasing the degree of information dissymmetry.
There is internality connection between the immoral behavior and the dissymmetry relation.
But in natural languages, there is dissymmetry between affirmative and negative forms in various situations.
Theoretically, it can be explained by information dissymmetry theory from information economics'point of view.
The result of a case study shows that each phase for an entrance has some priority under high dissymmetry coefficient.
As for the symmetry and dissymmetry of directional complements, they have different presentation in different motions.
The information disclosure to be the important mechanism which solves the information dissymmetry of the information feeder and need.
These factors include: time factor, information dissymmetry factor, product homogeneity factor, emotion factor, merchandise esthetics.
Dissymmetry of product information exacts in the process of consumer's purchasing behaviors, exacts between enterprises and consumers.
The securities agency, s credit is in favor of solving dissymmetry between investor and company or securities agency, and reducing the exchanging cost.
证券中介信用有利于解决投资者与上市公司、证券中介之间的信息不对称性; 有利于降低交易成本。
In the audit of engineering balance of accounts, the benefits of the developments unit often encounter damage because of the dissymmetry of information.
We bring forward the views of "dissymmetry between economic development and environmental protection" and "classification principle in establishing environmental…
There are various of dissymmetry relations, the character and manner of the immoral behavior will change with the character and degree of the dissymmetry relation.
Based on modern information economics, dissymmetry information phenomenon between main bodies of project and its influences on engineering change risks are analyzed.
The paper analyzes the forms of information dissymmetry in logistics management of manufacturers and discusses the relevant countermeasure to reduce information dissymmetry.
The results show that typhoon rainstorm has relation to the dissymmetry of typhoon circulation fields and heat fields, but does not always close to the center of circulation.
Osteotomy of mandibular outer cortex was used to treat width and dissymmetry of lower face or as source of autogenous bone graft simultaneously in craniomaxillofacial surgery.
According to grouping, the most superior one grouping is selected. Because the data histogram displays the obvious dissymmetry, the fitting with the segment function is proposed.
Firstly, this paper presents some basic content about tourism industry, then analyzes the intrinsic system which causes "Lemon Problems" in the event of dissymmetry on information.
Due to the structural dislocation between the transmitter and the audience, there exists a semiotic dissymmetry in the advertising text from the surface framework to its deeper logic.
By statistical analysis, the defects are tin-ball short, overflowing, dissymmetry, splash and scorch, which are mainly affected by the tin-ball size, pad positions, and process parameters .
The propagating characteristics of Supper-Gaussian beam have been simulated, and the result shows the dissymmetry effect of the parallel grating pair on the beam vertically and horizontally.
This paper tries to analyse the reason of this phenomena's appearance, from the point of information dissymmetry theory, and puts forward some measures about improving accounting data quality.