In recent years, underground economy has become a burning field of research all over the world.
Analysis in reality is on tax reason and non-tax reason why underground economy exists in our country.
Because at that time, the underground economy had not displayed the inflation tendency, the research scope was quite limited.
This thesis is basically concerned with Underground Economy, an area that remains to be fully understood but has attached increasing attention.
All bloggers know that the way to get links is to engage in the secret underground economy of sucking up to bloggers with higher Technorati rank than you.
Until Second World War period, some scholars only started to these economic phenomena to conduct the research, contained the underground economy research.
Because of the transaction costs, while engaging in economic activities people are faced with two alternatives: underground economy or overground economy.
Contrasted with the underground economy, recessive industry is a special industry characterized by its relativity, extensiveness, scale, and transitivity.
Speaking in Texas close to the border with Mexico, Mr Obama said bringing illegal immigrants out of the underground economy would be good for the country as a whole.
Meanwhile, this study also tentatively discussed some positive influences, and this can help us understanding the characters of underground economy more deeply.
The"underground economy"is usually termed as informal economic activities, and it is not purely negative as economists assumed from an aspect of institutional economics.
They are the lost generation of an underground economy: Brought here illegally by parents, they grew up in American neighborhoods, attended American schools and made American friends.
As long as China's economy was racing along at an 11 percent growth rate, small companies could hope for enough business to stay a step or two ahead of their underground creditors.
And a vigorous and growing underground (black) economy makes a big difference.
There is tax losing either in underground or open economy.
In the essence, this is a problem that how to achieve rationality, economy, safety in the design of underground parking area.
The scale of development and utilization of urban underground space expands with the enhancement of urbanization and economy level in a city.
With the rapid development of national economy and the demand of mankind lives, an abundant of natural resources underground is exploited out.
With rapid growth of urban economy and concentration of population, there is urgent need to construct urban tunnel and underground projects.
Therefore, reasonable bolt support scheme is of great importance to both safety and economy of underground engineering.
On one hand, the underground finance promotes the economy, on the other hand, it harm the formal finance .
With the superiority of technology and economy, EPB shield machine has been in the overwhelming dominance and become the mainstream in construction technology of urban underground engineering field.
In recent years, the underground financial industry has developed to such a large scale that it has become a significant power affecting the development of economy.