It was quite apparent that she had cooked, and that she expected to cook, dutifully.
The inspector dutifully recorded the date in a large red book.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The instructor writes an important term on the chalkboard, and you dutifully copy it in your notebook.
God wants you to serve him passionately, not dutifully.
As a famous star, he always dutifully signs autographs without complaint.
Pakistan's media dutifully pumped out the army line, stirring public outrage.
When his phone rang, instead of dutifully answering it, he casually tossed it away.
He dutifully wrote his return address, a Texas state prison cell, on each envelope.
Eventually I saved one item from the maybe pile, and dutifully did away with the rest.
But with EMPNO listed in the WHERE clause, DB2 will dutifully retrieve that column, too.
但在where子句中列出了EMPNO, DB 2还会尽职地检索该列。
Many have also noted that Giffords was dutifully meeting with constituents when she was shot.
For a century, scientists dutifully attempted to observe it in its natural habitat, but failed.
A consensus of a certain kind washed over the group, and we all dutifully lined up for the bus.
If you view this in Firefox 1.5, the browser dutifully loads atom2html.xslt and displays the results.
如果用Firefox 1.5打开,浏览器就会尽职尽责地加载atom 2html . xslt并显示结果。
So Delgado led Turner to the mayor's house and up to her room, where she dutifully offered him her own.
As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words.
Her parents and husband dutifully went to work each day but remained idle because there is no commerce in the town.
So, the version of GCC used with those tools was dutifully modified to call an external program for license checking.
While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce.
Jurisdictions dutifully abolished their “harmful” preferential tax regimes—but some simply extended the same low rates to everyone.
God wants you to serve him passionately, not dutifully. People rarely excel at tasks they don't enjoy doing or feel passionate about.
The audience dutifully wrote down the results they thought he had seen on note CARDS, and handed them in when the experiment was over.
I dutifully crane my head, and notice with some awe that Gameloft has procured a meeting room with a most impressive view of the city.
He went out to the pool and dutifully opened a notebook for one of the three pilots that he and Pam were contractually obligated to develop.
In the end, psychology left most of the volumes on happiness and the good life with philosophy, which dutifully left them to gather dust.
The tabloids are the newspapers most dutifully dedicated to ideas of exposure, and are willing to take risks in the service of that goal.