“When we switched from the temporary pump, it automatically switched off,” Mr. Hasegawa said.
“When we switched from the temporary pump, it automatically switched off,” Mr. Hasegawa said.
Katsuyuki Hasegawa, chief market economist at Mizuho Research Institute, says the anti-debt culture is deeply entrenched.
瑞穗研究所的首席市场经济学家Katsuyuki Hasegawa称,厌恶债务的文化根深蒂固。
Dr Mizuta and Dr Hasegawa are therefore using the novel transistors to try to make the world's first non-volatile processor chip.
According to Yasuchika Hasegawa, chief executive of Takeda Pharmaceuticals (founded in 1781), more than 20,000 Japanese firms are at least 100 years old.
武田制药(创始于1781年)的首席执行官长谷川闲史(Yasuchika Hasegawa)说,超过两万家日本企业至少有100年的历史。
According to Yasuchika Hasegawa, chief executive of Takeda Pharmaceuticals (founded in 1781), more than 20, 000 Japanese firms are at least 100 years old.
The intelligence investigation was done on the 130 longevous old people in the city and 180 longevous old people in the mountain area with Hasegawa Dementia Scale(HDS).
Dr Mizuta and Dr Hasegawa have opted for a mixture, because atomic transistors are much smaller than NEMS ones, and the saving of space outweighs the awkwardness of mixing them together.