Part of a 65 metre long valley gutter relined with the Apex GRP In-Situ System.
65米长的斜沟槽的一部分与 Apex GRP 原位系统连接。
Bombesin, Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP), Rabbit anti.
Conclusion: GRP peptide is epitopes of t cells in some RA patients.
The Elutron Plasteel tank is a trade mark double wall steel GRP tank.
The replacement, standard issue GRP one has caused no problems whatsoever.
This part presents the implementation of direct GRP scheme to resolve this issue.
本部分用直接的GRP 格式来解决上述问题。
The article describes the design, manufacture and assembly of 5t GRP water tanks.
本文详细介绍了5 t玻璃钢高位水箱的设计、制造、组装等问题。
A continuous winding machine for making GRP pipes with bigger diameter was presented.
The hull may be built with glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) to reduce its magnetic signature.
He joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner focusing on early-stage technology companies.
The results show that the fibre orientation affects on the stress corrosion cracking of GRP seriously.
Three methods for assessment of GRP corrosion resistance are discussed and personal views are presented.
The engineering estimation method of the fatigue life of largescale wind turbine GRP blade were presented.
The paper describes a new type of tough and hard wear resistant composite gel coat and GRP mould preparation.
The paper introduces the research, properties and application of HDPE/GRP ash pipes used in fire power plants.
本文介绍了热电厂除灰用HDPE/ 玻璃钢复合管的研制过程、复合管性能和使用情况。
GRP material are by nature greenish and translucent like jade, an emblem of the program which the building contains.
The contact rail system of Songjiazhuang park station is composed of steel-aluminum contact rail and GRP guard shield.
This article discussed the selection of the raw materials and the pasted technique of the transparent GRP sheet (tile).
The use of GRP material for the ship hull brought about a lot of questions to the design of electric systems of the ship.
GRP tensile strength mainly depends on warp and weft fibers in woven cloth, property of matrix resins and their combination.
Large diameter GRP sand pipe used in Changjiang Water Diversion Project (III) is paved for the first time in the soft ground.
This article describes how the sand pad in the foundation fails to support the bottom of lange GRP tanks and how to do with it.
This paper introduces the construction technology of underwater installation of large-caliber GRP pipe in the Yangtze Estuary Area.
This paper presents the load spectrum and an engineering estimating method of the fatigue life of GRP blade of large-scale wind turbine.
The structure design and molding technique of GRP flange are studied according to GRP property and combined with the practical experience.
Built of glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), and capable of a scorching 38 knots (70 kmph), these FIBs were designed by Greek shipbuilder, Motomarine.
The technique using reinforced concrete casting with GRP panels (Glass reinforced plastic) was employed to create the smooth curvilinear structure.
Furthermore, GRP wined system can not adjustment continuously and therefore affect the technics of production due to the limitation of machine timing.
This platform is composed by GRP experiment management system, GLP new drug application system and drug discovery standard workflow management system.
The low temperature thick-wall GRP pipe of the present invention has no delamination, and has excellent mechanical property and heat isolating performance.