1 词典释义:
assign right
时间: 2025-03-09 04:27:43
英 [əˈsʌɪn rʌɪt]
美 [əˈsaɪn raɪt]


  • In warp knitting productions design and analysis of fabric, it is very important to assign right lapping movement and decides the producing of warp knitting productions.


  • To accomplish this, assign the right people to interpret the regulations that you must conform to and to create guidelines for development teams to follow.


  • The right to sell or assign any of the rights granted by copyright to others.


  • Assign a rule to each of the content spots by selecting the content spot, and then clicking on the Edit button in the lower right pane (Figure 40).


  • Click the button to the right of the Mouse button pressed field to display the Assign Macro dialog.

    单击Mouse button pressed字段右侧的按钮,显示Assign Macro对话框。

  • You might, for example, assign "to the left" the answer "no," and "to the right" the answer "yes."


  • The disclosure control method of RFIDIC realizes this suggestion by providing special authorization policy rules that assign the right to execute certain types of queries to certain user groups.


  • To assign a datastore to a user, right click on the user entry in the user Management console.

    要想把数据存储分配给用户,应该在User Management控制台中右键单击用户条目。

  • Cost Centre #1 receives a monthly allowance, but he is required to work for it, and also has to assign me the right to write about him whenever I choose.


  • The OwnerforURLResolution pattern shown below is necessary to assign the right credentials to both the UDDI server and the machine where the service actually is.


  • Patent owners shall also have the right to assign, or transfer by succession, the patent and to conclude licensing contracts.


  • To assign an interface for the import, right-click Import1 and click Add interface from the pop-up menu.

    要指定导入的接口,右键单击Import1并从弹出菜单中选择add Interface。

  • When lists are finally in place, you can assign new friends to a list right when you're accepting their friend request - just look for the option "Add to friend list" before you click "accept."

    当列表全部最终安置好了以后,你可以把新加的好友放进一个正确的(右边的)列表,当你接受他们的好友申请时- - -只需要在你点“接受”之前查找“加入好友列表”选项就行了。

  • To actually assign employees to these roles, you can right-click on the role and select assign, as shown in Figure 31.


  • To be able to assign requests to the right services and to route them correctly, a Dispatcher must have comprehensive information about.


  • If you assign this user right, significant degradation of computer performance can occur.


  • So, to create an assign mapping, right-click a target parameter (an input on the right or an output on the left) and select create Transform - assign.

    所以,若要创建赋值映射,请右键单击某个目标参数(右侧的某个输入或左侧的某个输出),并选择Create Transform - Assign。

  • Right click on the policy you have just created and click Assign.


  • Assign the GetGroupNews rule to the GroupnewsSpot content spot by selecting the content spot, and then click on the Edit button in the lower right pane.


  • You can only assign the "Right-click" command to one pointing device button.


  • Start by listing all the actions that you'd want users to perform and assign relative values to each, taking care to get the balance right.


  • If you are using XEN, make sure you assign the right MAC address for the network adaptor in the configuration file.


  • We assign the right of assignment users for roles to the appointment role, so that this role can realize the obvious delegation.


  • His or her job was to follow orders, organize the work, assign the right people to the necessary tasks, coordinate the results, and ensure the job got done as ordered.


  • The Institute Organizing Committee reserves the right to assign hotels based on a first-come-first-served basis.


  • Left and right Tools - Assign a different tool to the left and right mouse button. For example: pencil on the left; eraser on the right.


  • Other units shall not assign the land-use right.

