Canadian seal hunt is done in a humane way.
Animal rights groups believe Canada's annual seal hunt is cruel. Sealers say it provides income for remote communities.
Seal hunters cashed in about 10 million dollars from the 2009 hunt, said Day, adding that 25 percent of the sales usually come from exporting products to Europe.
And the vets said that popular horror of the seal hunt seemed to be based largely on emotion and on images that are difficult even for experienced observers to interpret.
The bears are slowly congregating along the coast, anticipating the winter freeze of Hudson Bay when they can get onto the ice and hunt their favorite meal of ringed seal.
The first kayaks were constructed with a wooden frame covered with seal skin and used to hunt in the open waters of the Arctic Ocean.
Leopard seal are the only known seals to regularly hunt warm-blooded prey. But during the three weeks I swam with them, they often revealed a playful side.