The preliminary results of the trial, which was called RV144 and was organised by Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health, were announced on Thursday September 24th.
Preliminary data from the Australian trial showed that 21 days after getting one shot, 96% of the 240 trial volunteers ages 18 to 64 generated an impressive amount of antibodies to the virus.
澳大利亚试验的初步数据表明,年龄在18 to 64岁的240名试验志愿者中96%第一次注射之后21天都产生明显数量的病毒抗体。
The testimony came during an ongoing preliminary hearing after which Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will decide if there is enough evidence for Dr. Murray to stand trial.
正在进行的预审听证会的证言将让高等法院法官迈克尔· 帕斯特裁决证据是否充足以使莫里医生接受审判。
Discusses the mode of trial and promotion of online resources, and makes a preliminary analysis and conclusion on the evaluating contents and indexes of online resources.
Based on the criminal trial of the basic principles of relations campaign to a social vision of the law, criminal trials do realize the value of the empirical study and preliminary study.
Participation in the lab-based study using a Velotron cycle ergometer will involve preliminary sessions of fitness testing, metabolic rate measurement and a time trial.
整个实验以实验室研究为基础、用Velotron 的周期测功计进行丈量,参与者将会进行一次初步的健身测试、变化的比率丈量和和时间测验。
That trial isn't due to start until next year, but Apple had requested a preliminary injunction blocking sales of Samsung's Galaxy products in the U. S. ahead of the crucial holiday sales season.