As a kid, I thrilled to tales of adventure and Isaac Asimov's juvenile science fiction novel, lucky star and the oceans of Venus.
This science fiction novel tells us a mysterious story.
Maybe I wanted to write a screenplay or a fiction novel or a business book.
I although am the girl, but extremely likes reading the chivalric fiction novel.
The 1933 science fiction novel "When Worlds Collide," presents just such a scenario.
His science fiction novel was full of extraordinary things that people found fascinating.
Including listening to popular music, read science fiction novel, play basketball, play GO, and play the guitar.
The above video is a trailer for my interviewee's latest project: a serialized fiction novel entitled Yesterday's Gone.
If this sounds to you something like the "bionic swarms" from William Gibson's 1984 science fiction novel, Neuromancer, you're right.
(If this sounds to you something like the "bionic swarms" from William Gibson's 1984 science fiction novel, Neuromancer, you're right.)
Years before the huge success of his "non-fiction novel" in Cold Blood, Truman Capote had already staked out a distinctive place in Hollywood.
First published in 1905, the book, which is a science fiction novel that combines science and imagination together, is the author's most popular work.
After the great critical acclaim and popular success of his third novel the Corrections in 2001, Jonathan Franzen began work on his fourth full length fiction novel.
As a result, this is an eclectic list—from an 800-page science fiction novel by a local legend to a 200-page nonfiction book on how Japan can get its economic mojo back.
Artistic unity is staying on the story (like a science fiction novel) topic or story line, telling only one story at a time, staying on the style of a home in interior design.
In pursuit of his own dendritic growth, Dr. Cohen plans to take up the piano again after years of not playing. He is also sketching out a science-fiction novel he hopes to write.
In Cold Blood, which he immodestly heralded as a new form of non-fiction novel, was received with delirious approval; Norman Mailer dubbed Perry as one of the great characters in American literature.
The template for Adair's novel is not somebody else's fiction, but fact.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Specially, science fiction is a sub-class of prose fiction, for nearly every piece of science fiction is either a short story or a novel.
Especially, science fiction is a sub-class of prose fiction, for nearly every piece of science fiction is either a short story or a novel.
This novel is not science fiction, nor is it Gothic horror.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.
《牛津词典》When I decided to write a novel, I divided my two hours: the first for poetry, the second for fiction.