Your ADF is loaded and will be used for this scan.
ADF test is the most common method of unit root test.
Conditioning treatment increased CP and carotene and reduced NDF and ADF.
Responsible for order tool's testing (such as configuration system, ADF, ……)
These results demonstrated that the plant ADF genes are highly conserved in structure.
上述结果表明植物ADF基因在进化中具有高度 保守 性。
The Chinese herbal medicine can improve the apparent digestibility of CP, ADF, NDF and DM.
本中草药增重剂可以提高小尾寒羊的CP、A DF、NDF、DM等表观消化率。
In addition, the Nonlinear ADF is further optimized using Minimum Classification Error criterion.
See Scenario 1, Step 2 to verify that S-DT-EDI-TO-ADF is listed and that the document definition is created.
参见场景 1 的步骤 2 验证:S-DT-EDI-TO-ADF 是否列示,文档定义是否创建。
There it features a set of Rich Client JSF Components which are part of its Application Development Framework (ADF).
网站上提供了一套富客户J SF组件,属于应用开发框架(adf)的一部分。
Ocean Recon has been developed to provide detailed insights into what life is like as a Navy Submariner in the ADF.
Experimental results demonstrated that Nonlinear ADF has achieved a higher recognition rate than that of linear ADF.
In this paper, we provided the concept of long-memory. A diagnostic checking of long memory joined ADF test is given.
The net disappearance rate of DM, ADF and CL of RSP, DM of RSS in semifluid media was higher than that in liquid media.
This paper points out the limitation in reliability comparison of ADF test and PP test, as well as in these tests programming.
指出了传统ADF 检验与PP 检验可靠性比较中存在的缺陷和不确定性以及这些检验本身存在的问题;
The main objective of the experiment was to study the effect of sugar on barley silage quality and rumen degradability of ADF and NDF.
A radio beacon which transmits nondirectional signals whereby the pilot can use the ADF to determine his bearing to or from the station.
发射无方向信号的无线电信标台。据此飞行员能够用自动定向仪 (ADF )确定他的背台或向台方位。
The fast-degradability and slow-degradability rate of DM, NDF, and ADF in cotton straw feed presented differences along with different chemical treatments.
With the drying time of forage rye being extended, the CP content was decreasing, NDF and ADF content were increasing, causing the nutritional value decreased.
The results showed that corn particle size did not affect DMI, growth performance and the total tract apparent digestibility of DM, GE, CP, NDF and ADF (P>0.05).
The samples were collected from the sampling sites along 5 sampling lines, with the crude protein, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) analyzed.
The key problem in the synthesis of the controller design for active DC filters(ADF) in DC side of converter station is to obtain the mathematical models of controlled device.
Clipping period has a clear impact on quality of alfalfa. in treatment T1, Crude protein content is the highest (showing bud period of Alfalfa)and NDF and ADF content are the lowest (P<0.05);
The article USES VECM, ADF Test, Johansen Test, Granger Causal Relation Test, Impulse Response Function to accurately measure the process that the variables influence each other in the system.