Is the product lead-free and nickle-free?
The Buffalo Nickle was firstly designed in 1911.
I took them all down to the Disney World for a week on my nickle.
It also contains some trace mineral like nickle, arsenic and antimony.
You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child.
你只需另外再付10 美分,而你的孩子只要再付5 美分。
Nickle, cobalt and bismuth are turned into corresponding hydrated oxide by hydrolysis.
In this paper, production process of copper sulphate and crude nickle from waste electrolyte.
The products are including steel cargo, equipments, cement, clinker, iron ore, nickle ore, coke etc.
In view of the work conditions of Jinchuan copper-nickle Sulfide, the analysis of feeder liner was made.
This method can also be used as a reference for the treating arsenic containing copper, nickle or cobalt waste materials.
Activated nickle sulfide is a kind of superfine particle used in the removing copper of nickle electrolysis anode solution.
The reflectivity to the visible and near infrared ray will be dropped as cellshpere is plated with metal such as silver and nickle.
Nickel is the most fundamental component in every nickle catalyst and has the great magnetism, so every nickel catalyst has magnetism.
At the moment Inter seem the most well-equipped side, but last year no one gave us a nickle and we ended up winning the Champions League.
The primary procedures of the pretreatment and typical formulations of electroless nickle plating of nonmetal material are also introduced.
Ingredients of the bath processing parameter and coloration method are studied deeply with respect to colored electroless Nickle plating on 45steel.
The article summarizes the latest achievements of the process for electroless nickle plating of nonmetal material and the study of property recently.
Kangur ductile shear zone as a significant mineralization zone of the eastern Xinjiang controls important gold deposits, copper-nickle deposits and rare metals.
It is suitable for transitional connection of electric apparatus with wire and cable in indoor distribuition equipment made of brass ty die cast and coates nickle.
The appropriate bath formulas and deposition conditions for synthesis of Pd-Ni nanowires, in which the percentage of nickle ranging from 8% to 15%, were established.
确定了合成镍含量在8 ~ 15%的钯镍合金纳米线的合适的镀液配方和沉积条件。
Using electronic sweep mirror, electronic prober and energy spectrum meter to investigate the groove shape wear of a cutting tool, while numerical controlled turning the pure nickle.
It is suitable for transition connection of the electric appliance of indoors distributing device and kinds of wire cables. It adopts T2 red copper, the surface adopt nickle plating.
A new technological process was put forward to recover nickle and manganese from the synthetic diamond wastewater and make the production wastewater reach the discharging requirements.
The horizontal continuous-casting technology with operating procedures of drawing-stopping-pushing back-stopping for manufacturing lead copper-nickle wire has been studied preliminarily.
This papers not only explores which factors make the consistency determination of the NaH_2PO_2 non-accurate in the chemical nickle-plated aqua , but also advance some feasible resolutions.
Methods for measuring thickness of plated nickle coatings on metal cases are discussed, and proper procedures for measurement of coatings on metal cases using XRF spectrometry are dealt with.
A complete bright silver plating process for deluxe tableware including chemical polishing, mechanical polishing, degreasing, cleaning, nickle plating, silver plating and post-treatment is suggested.