On the north bank of the Ohio River sits Evansville, Ind.
Five twenties ind ten singles, p! Errse.
Ind habits let you see the reality in a particular way.
If the gr ind is very dry, do not forget to water those plant.
The seedling density regenerated in closed stands is 5 375 ind.
结果表明,在郁闭林分内油松更新苗密度平均为5 375株。
Its U.S. operation, in Shelbyville, Ind., makes building insulation.
It was applied to speed control ind-c motor and obvious effect has been found.
Nikki Tsongas (D-Mass.) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) are among those who followed suit.
The manganhedenbergite can be considered as an important ind-cator for Pb-Zn metallization.
Objective To improve the recognition of the intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND) in children.
Police officers help a "victim" from a building during a mock nuclear detonation drill in Butlerville, Ind.
在Butler ville(美国印第安纳州的一个村庄)进行的一场模拟核爆炸演习中,警察帮助一名受害者逃离一幢楼房。
Online organization issue of the Intelligent Network Disk (IND) is one of key issues of IND storage system.
China add: No. 21 Yongren Road, Biling Ind. PingShan Town, Longgang, Shenzhen City GuangDong Province of China.
Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of the pathologic features in intestinal neuronal dysplasia(IND).
Our first child, Suzanne, had just been born. Gloria and I were teaching in Alexandria, Ind., where I had grown up.
The influence of cetane number on the ignition and combustion of diesel fuel ind. i. diesel engine is briefly reviewed.
SPEC CHEM IND is a leading company specialized in the export of bio-pharmaceuticals, Plant extracts and fine chemicals.
To evaluate the IND-CCA2 security of public key encryption schemes, proposed the gray-box analysis of IND-CCA2 security.
Objective To discuss the predilection site, clinical character and ind ucing factors of cerebral lacunar infarction (CLI).
To date, Indianapolis, Ind., based nonprofit has constructed seven schools, and five more are in various stages of completion.
'Keeping the powder dry makes sense until we get the financial system stabilized,' says the fund manager, based in South Bend, Ind.
Jacob Barnett of Hamilton County, Ind., who is just weeks shy of his 13th birthday, thinks so. And, he's got the solutions to prove it.
来自哈密尔顿县的Jacob Barnett刚过完他的13岁生日,他认为他找到了证明相对论有问题的方法。
He and his wife were busy Saturday, dropping off their only child, Allie, at Earlham College in Richmond, Ind., to begin her freshman year.
And in Gary, Ind., which canceled its contract with United Water after 12 years, critics say privatization more than doubled annual operating costs.
在印第安纳州加里(Gary Ind .,中断了和联合水务公司12年的合同),批评者称私有化致使每年的运营费用增长一倍还多。
Image: New plant under construction at Edwardsport, Ind. could become one of the first in commercial operation to undertake carbon capture and storage.
Objective: To investigate the expression of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in skeletal muscle of cachectic mice and the effect of indomethacin (ind) on it.
However, for the new run-mode, especially for the newly built aluminium electricity pool, it is necessary tof ind out a mostly suitable power supply mode.
They tested the software on 12 users in three groups of four on Purdue's main campus in West Lafayette, Ind. , and at the University of Manitoba in Canada.
他们把在普渡大学位于印第安纳州西拉法叶(West Lafayatte)的中心校区以及加拿大马尼托巴(Manitoba)大学的12个人分成了3组,每组4人,来对该软件进行测试。
In this paper the development of power line harmonic analyzer based on ind us-trial PC is introduced, and the working principle and design method are given.