1 词典释义:
tax point
时间: 2025-01-23 20:56:28
英 [taks pɔɪnt]
美 [tæks pɔɪnt]

n. 税点;税收点;税务点;纳税点

  • The starting-point in 2009 for both debt and the deficit turned out to be worse than realised; tax revenues have proved disappointing as austerity measures have undermined growth.


  • While supporters of legalized gambling point to much-needed tax revenues and thousands of casino jobs, opponents are lining up against gambling expansions, and not just with moral arguments.


  • Case in point: Even with passage of the lame-duck tax deal, hey still don't know what their tax burden will be two years from now.


  • While the charge isn’t strictly a tax, the alternative is (from the recipient’s point of view) tax free.


  • During the recession, Texans were quick to point to the struggles in states like California, and to brag about the comparative advantage of Texas's low-tax, low-services model.


  • That's "cash on delivery." While the charge isn't strictly a tax, the alternative is (from the recipient's point of view) tax free.


  • At one point FBI agents checking her past-but naming no names — asked the IRS how it would normally handle her kind of social-security tax problem.

    在一个点联邦调查局特工检查她的名字没有——问past - but命名美国国税局其如何处理她的一种社会保障的税收问题。

  • The mining companies point out the huge benefits the project brings in terms of employment, tax revenue and foreign exchange.


  • As opponents of this plan point out, we've already seen this movie: a similar tax holiday was offered in 2004, with a similar sales pitch.


  • The 9 per cent interest rate, which is line with that paid by UBS in its recent issue, represents a 5 percentage point after tax premium to its dividend.


  • And they fear a "tax tipping-point", when a majority of Americans pay little or no taxes and discover that they can vote themselves goodies paid for by others.


  • That's exactly why a VAT -- which is like a national sales tax collected at each stage of the production process, rather than at the final point of sale -- should be resisted.


  • At one point Mongolia instituted a 68 percent windfall profits tax on mining, since revoked, which scared all the Banks away.


  • The main point of fuel duty, though, is as a fiscal wheeze: it made up 5% of the tax take in 2010.


  • Another selling point is that the tax can justify the removal of an assortment of burdensome and costly regulations such as CAFE standards for cars.


  • The point is that the US debt - her accumulated deficits - cannot easily be addressed without serious and painful changes to society, probably including tax rises and an end to some entitlements.


  • As economists from Goldman Sachs point out, the White House has slightly lowered its estimates for output in 2011 but has increased projected tax receipts.


  • At a marginal tax rate of 50 percent, the break point is much lower; just 1. And so on.


  • The Forum of Private Business, which represents over 25,000 small firms, is lobbying for cuts in tax and social security rates to help small companies at this critical point in the cycle.


  • The symbolic pinch-point for Ireland is its 12.5% corporate-tax rate, which France and Germany self-interestedly want to force up.


  • At one point during the mid - '70s, the top marginal tax rate was an unbelievable 102 percent.


  • Prices were affected by the introduction of the harmonized sales tax in Ontario and British Columbia, and a two-percentage-point increase in Nova Scotia's HST, Statistics Canada said Friday.


  • They are attracted by low fees-around a quarter of a percentage point on average-tax advantages and efficient pricing.


  • Tax planning is based on the taxpayers' point of view.


  • The author holds that business earnings, taking protective measures for money capital as a basic point, should include holding income and net profit after tax.


  • They point to ratios of capital to output, which are surprisingly stable over time despite tax swings.

