However, the more sadly, he not only didn't get pleasure from revenge, instead more pain.
Though grieving, the "Karate Kid" star noted that the hostage taking could have happened elsewhere, yet, and more sadly for him, it had to be his people.
But sadly, hiring someone to take care of them while you go to work is getting more expensive by the year.
Sadly, hiring someone to take care of them while you go to work is getting more expensive by the year.
Sadly, the pressures on members of Congress to travel constantly have grown only more intense.
Sadly that's a relatively small quake death toll by Indonesian standards - and seismologists expect more to come in the future.
Sadly that's a relatively small quake death toll by Indonesianstandards - and seismologists expect more to come in the future.
Though the sight of homeless people in London has sadly become more common in recent years, I always wonder how such a person reached such a point in their life.
Sadly, Congress is more obsessed with exchange rates than trade talks that might actually boost job growth.
There are other cases in which the lessons of the past — sadly unlearned — should have been even more obvious because they came in the form of truly devastating catastrophes.
I had passed him countless times; he sadly had almost become a fixture in the background to the extent that I considered him nothing more than part of the scenery.
"But the rabbits has et up all the June lily bed," said Mrs. Lynde sadly, as she waddled downstairs, feeling secretly relieved that there need be no more talk about the moon.
Sadly enough, a networked world is not inherently a more just world.
We can expect ground to be contested across Afghanistan, and, sadly, we can also expect more casualties across the coalition.
Sadly, other stuff matters more.
Sadly, the film does little to show this, or how these two women were more aware than anyone of how ill Ian actually was and how hard they tried to help him.
Unemployment, sadly, may thus have deep roots, with more people this time remaining out of work for longer.
Sadly, this achievement is more fragilethan it looks.
Sadly the computer doesn't usually listen, but new kinds of software are being developed that make conversing with a computer rather more productive.
More important would be resolving a spat over the liability that foreign investors will face when getting involved in India's civil-nuclear programme. That, sadly, does not seem to be on the CARDS.
Sadly Knightley ends up in one of the more insipid segments (and that's really saying something).
Every time it finally sank in that she had lost her husband of more than 50 years, she'd look at me sadly and say, 'Oh', as I struggled to compose myself. 'Were we all there?' she'd ask softly.
Next day it all came out, sadly to my chagrin; and still I was not altogether sorry: I thought the burden of directing and warning would be more efficiently borne by him than me.
Sadly, that looks more like an aspiration than a prediction.
Sadly for self-indulgent humans, none of this affects the basic message about staying healthy, which remains to eat less and exercise more.
More gravy? Another spud? What harm can it do, we ask, as we squeeze another morsel on to an already heaving plate. The answer, sadly, is quite a lot.