Bit part: a small or insignificant role as in a play or movie usually having a few spoken lines.
After being spotted modeling by a producer, she was signed to a bit part in the European film Nederlands in?
Be not, you bit part like this, understanding not arrive hall Lord, altar Lord, altar Lord total the understanding?
Audrey's bit part in Laughter in Paradise (1951) was spotted by a Paramount representative in London, who suggested she test for the role.
After meeting in Swift's dressing room for 2010 rom-com Valentine's Day, in which she had a bit part, the pair never quite made it past a few months together.
"I'm not that interested in making foreign movies," says Hsu, who appeared in the French blockbuster the Transporter in 2002 and had a bit part in the Hollywood movie New York, I Love You, in 2009.
He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it.
It is the first time that she has taken part in a film shooting and she says it's a little bit difficult.
It is a critical opportunity for the likes of Young and Cole, who have both only enjoyed bit-part roles under Capello but who could now take their chances.
That's a bit of a mouth full, so let's take a look at each part of that pipe.
Animations and transitions in most of the current apps are a bit laggy/stuttery, even if for the most part, the apps are responsive and well designed.
大多数的现行的应用软件的动画和移动都有一点滞后或者延迟。 尽管对于大多数的应用软件来说反应良好涉及优良。
Drawing the last part of the pit wall profiles was a bit of a challenge.
Skeptics suspected this was just a bit of election-year candy — and that may have been part of the plan.
Somewhere along the line, the browser stopped being an application to view Web pages and the occasional bit of multimedia, and became a vital part of the daily workflow for millions of users.
This will also in part be thanks to another bit of ugly economic news: falling real wages.
Thereafter did this pilgrim heart make its acquaintance with that world, bit by bit, part by part, in many a mood and manner.
Let me talk a little bit about technology because that's also a big part of it.
Optionally, part or all of the entire message bit stream.
The non-Belle part of my life isn't the only ‘real’ bit, it’s ALL real.
Interdata developed a set of 16 - and 32-bit minicomputers beginning in 1966 (in 1973 becoming part of Perkin-Elmer).
从1966年开始,Interdata(在1973年成为Perkin - Elmer的一部分)开发出一系列16位和32位小型机。
It has an 18-bit address space that accesses 256kb of local store that are part of the chip itself.
One reason is that it was a bit-part player in the system of global imbalances that precipitated the slump.
The significant part is the last bit of the URI, after the final /.
重要的部分是 URI 的结束部分,在最后一个 / 之后。
Now, this is still a little bit cumbersome, in part because of the variables involved, s including s.
The design is a bit adventurous, and for the most part, it works, but it has a few major problems.
That last part is often the bit that developers often miss.
The easy part of the rule is finished; now it gets a bit more complicated.