The bull run may last a while yet.
In March 2009 share prices began a long bull run.
A bull market is also sometimes described as a bull run.
To carry objects which may impede the correct running of the Bull run.
Whichever factor you choose to explain gold's bull run, it is not a short-term phenomenon.
So, we now take a look at the weekly chart again and determine that we are in a bull run.
He got the name "Stonewall" at the Battle of Bull Run in the summer of eighteen sixty-one.
Hundreds of men and women watched the fight from a hill near Centreville. Below them was Bull Run.
The year before, southern troops sent a northern army fleeing from Bull Run. Now, it was happening again.
During his first battlefield flight, at first Bull Run, Lowe landed behind Confederate lines, but he was rescued.
While commodity prices have made gains on investor optimism on the global economy, it may be too early to predict a bull run.
As Chris Watling of Longview Economics points out, gold's last great bull run was in the 1970s, when real yields were negative.
The last time we moved off the 200-day moving average was just under a year ago, when we had a great September to December bull run.
Also on Saturday, a 28-year-old man died after being gored by a bull during a bull run through the village of Pedreguer, near Valencia.
So a chorus of experts warning that Chinese real estate prices are too high could be a contrarian indicator that this bull run still has legs.
The stimulus was announced in November after the crippling global financial and credit crisis brought a five-year bull run in Asian stocks to a halt.
Northerners had expected to win the battle of Bull Run. They believed the Confederacy would fall if the Union won a big military victory early in the war.
And investors may look back on the bull run of 2009-10-or 2009-11-with the sort of wonder that humanity has too often reserved for the yellow metal itself.
But a world in which inflation, bond yields and short rates were trending higher would be the complete opposite of that which has prevailed during the long bull run.
After such a sustained bull run even the most sober-minded are now saying the market can continue to rise in spite of prices that are more than 50 times earnings.
"These cities have acted as a store of wealth," said Barnes, who sees the current decline in values as "an inevitable setback that you get after a long bull run."
However, the South scored victories at the first battle of Bull Run and while defending the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, during the Seven Days' Campaign.
Coal prices enjoyed a bull run in 2004 and 2005, but today's boom is bigger and is causing more concern, as the possibility of a global recession looms and oil trades at around $90 per barrel.
The longest bull-run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst.
We also hope that you will always "take the bull by the horns" when you run into difficult situations.