At last, a facture toughness test method was presented.
Now compute is applied broadly in the areas of aspect design, video facture etc.
Altogether the painting is rich in surface textures, what art historians call facture.
Publicize the match: take charge of the poster facture and handbill distribution.
This article will give a discuss to their facture, artistic styles and funcrions.
Etc.... "SAPASHOW" can design and facture display shelves for Name brand Production.
The study of the theory may provide reference for the facture of the apparatus later.
The article presented the configuration and facture, processed elementary experience.
Further more, mechanical facture will take place if the local strain rate is high enough.
The cleavage facture stress of notched specimen is much higher than that of smooth specimen.
Objective:To study the advantage of paper splint for treating facture of distal end of radius.
The facture failure of the slab was analyzed by means of metallographic microscope, SEM and EDS.
The facture technics and methods is introduced, also the experiment result was analysed and discussed.
To support in new building layout, and participate in the facture of bilingual proposals and reports.
The thesis is helpful for the design and facture of a linearly chirped fiber grating as dispersion compensator.
Therefore, the object will be realized by the application system research of the facture network of TV program.
Then the possible position of facture may be predicted by analyzing the distribution and change of the critical value.
Objective to understand rabies epidemic facture and factor and provide scientific evidence for making control measures.
Objective: to study the capability of the non-stress shelter external fixator for the treatment of ulna olecranal facture.
Objective:To evaluate the contribution of radiogram in diagnosis of primary vertical root facture in mandibular first molar.
The research on facture parameters is one of the key projects on UHPFRC (ultra high performance fiber reinforcement concrete).
As a combination product of computer and DTV technique, non-linear editing system is an important meaning in facture of TV program.
The definition of map of the Local Pattern Analogue Coefficient (LPAC) and its facture method are introduced detailedly in this paper.
This task adopt MEMS technics to make Thermal -film air-mass sensor, mostly work is the study and facture of the sense organ of the chip.
The facture technics of the mould of composites was described. A method of solving the problems which appear in the molding process is proposed.
CONCLUSION: Fracture can cause the increase of the domestic rabbit's serum EGF concentration, which is perhaps favorable to the facture healing.
The author in detail introduces construction schemes and guarantee measurement of steel structure 's facture combining with engineering practice.
This article introduces the facture methods and demonstrational methods on the experimental fix of AIRS working outside and expending inner energy.
The facture of <> may look a little bit crude. Especially in screening, lighting and recording, our equipments can hardly compare with standard movie companies.
做, 制作
- artifactn. 人工制品;手工艺品;人造物;技术产物;(科学实验中的)假象;(医学检查中的)误差信号
- factoryn. 制造厂;工厂;(在外国的)代理店
- manufacturen. 批量生产;大量制造;制成品;产品;制造业;生产过程;工业品
- factionn. 派别;(大团体中的)派系;派系斗争;内讧;小集团;宗派;纪实与虚构相结合的电影(或书等);纪实小说;小说化的历史
- satisfactoryadj. 令人满意的;可以的;够好的;合乎要求的;符合期望的;可接受的;符合规定的
- factorn. 因素;要素;系数;因数;凝血因子;基因;乘数;影响因子;变量;条件;倍数
- benefactorn. 捐助人;赞助人;施惠者;施主;恩人;资助者;慈善家
- factualadj. 事实的;基于事实的;根据事实的;事实上的;真实的;确凿的;实际的;实证的
- seizuren. (疾病,如癫痫等的)发作;占领;没收;查封;扣押;扣留;充公;查押;赃物
- matureadj. 成熟的;发育成熟的;行为稳重的;成年的;经验丰富的;完善的;深思熟虑的;全面发展的;到期(应该支付)的;已到期的;审慎的;明白事理的
- fracturen. 骨折;断裂;破裂;折断;裂痕;裂缝;断口;断面;(地质学中的)裂隙
- gesturen. 手势;姿势;姿态;动作;示意动作;表意姿势
- rupturev. 使(友好关系)破裂;(使体内组织或容器或管道等)断裂;裂开;使绝交;破坏(关系或协议);断绝(关系)
- nomenclaturen. 术语体系;命名法;(尤指某学科的)命名法;专业术语;名称;称谓
- mixturen. 混合物;混合;混合剂;掺和物;混合料;混合状态;混合音;多样化组合
- fissuren. 裂缝;裂隙;裂纹;缝隙;裂谷;峡谷;裂口;[医学]裂伤;[解剖学]沟
- architecturen. 建筑学;建筑业;建筑设计;建筑风格;(计算机系统的)架构;结构;系统结构
- disclosuren. 揭露;透露;公开;披露;披露的信息;泄露的内容;公开的事情
- figuren. 数字;图形;形状;体形;身材;(远处人的)轮廓;轮廓;(人、动物的)雕像;塑像;象征;人物;人;动物;(书中的)图;表;图案;(数学中的)几何图形
- brochuren. 小册子;宣传册;手册;资料册;产品目录
- naturen. 自然;自然界;大自然;本质;实质;性质;天性;特性;本性;秉性;固有属性;天赋;种类;性格;基本特征;有…本性的
- pleasuren. 高兴;愉悦;满意;乐事;享受;娱乐;休闲;嗜好;愉快的经历;愉悦的活动;欣慰;荣幸;舒适;快感;个人的喜好;<书>意愿;愿望
- texturen. 纹理;质地;结构;肌理;质感;构造;织法;口感;手感
- capturev. 俘获;占领;夺得;攻取;控制;(通过竞争或努力)赢得;(棋类游戏中)吃掉对方的棋子;吸引(注意力、兴趣等);记录;拍摄;把…输入计算机;表达;刻画;描述;表现;描绘
- sculpturen. 雕塑;雕像;雕塑品;雕刻品;雕塑术;雕刻术;雕刻艺术;雕塑艺术
- moisturen. 湿气;湿度;潮湿;水分;水汽
- pressuren. 压力;压迫;压强;大气压;强制;催促
- proceduren. (商业、法律或政治上的)程序;步骤;流程;操作方法;手续;规程;工序;诊疗程序;外科手术;治疗方法
- picturen. 图像;图景;视图;照片;画作;影片;图画;景象;情景;形象;印象;场面;局面;幻灯片;电影;电视节目
- structuren. 结构;结构体;构造;组织;体系;建筑物;构筑物;机构;布局;框架;构成方式;条理;骨架;组织架构
- adventuren. 冒险;冒险活动;冒险经历;探险经历;奇遇;冒险事业;冒险故事;冒险行为
- acupuncturen. 针灸;针疗;针刺疗法;针刺治疗;针刺法
- manufacturen. 批量生产;大量制造;制成品;产品;制造业;生产过程;工业品
- torturen. 酷刑;刑讯;拷打;拷问;折磨;折磨人的事物;精神上的痛苦
- measurev. 测量;度量;评估;衡量;权衡;斟酌;比较;打量;调整;调节;计量;估量;量度;判定(重要性、价值或影响等);达到一定水平;达到一定标准;量取;测定尺寸;(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为;[诗]经过一段距离;走过一段距离
- exposuren. 暴露;揭露;曝光;揭发;面临;遭受;报道;宣传;亮相;接触;单张胶片;曝光时间;曝光量;受冻;朝向
- puncturen. 穿孔;刺孔;刺穿;小孔;(轮胎的)扎孔;(由尖锐物体造成的)洞或凹陷
- culturen. 文化;文明;修养;养殖;培养;栽培;(细胞、细菌等的)培养物
- failuren. 失败;故障;失灵;破产;倒闭;衰退;衰竭;缺乏;不足;违约;未履行;疏忽;失职;缺陷;失败的人;失败的事
- rapturen. 狂喜;兴高采烈;欢天喜地;入迷;提送(信徒)升天
- departuren. 离开;出发;启程;离去;偏离;背离;违背;偏离常规;离题;逾越
- creaturen. 生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人
- legislaturen. 立法机关;立法机构;议会;国会;立法院