I'd love to get my mitts on one of those.
《牛津词典》Li Ming puts on his scarf, hat and mitts, too.
I did my entire workout while they were doing mitts with no breaks.
Hot pads or kitchen mitts with which to handle the heated water vessel.
WKF approved mitts, one contestant wearing red and the other wearing blue.
世界空手道联盟(WKF) 核准的拳套,选手一方配戴红色另一位配戴蓝色。
Using tatty, worn, dirty, or scratchy wash mitts, sponges, drying towels etc.
A towering man with handsthe size of catcher’s mitts posed for photographs with Captain Bell.
Catchers' mitts, ballet slippers, overdue library books and other signs of extra-familial concerns are everywhere.
As soon as we're able to get our grubby mitts on a code, we'll be all over it and hopefully in time for the review.
On weekends, groups of friends or colleagues take up bats and mitts along the grassy edge of the Keelung River in Taipei.
To commemorate the event, we even went to the local sporting goods store earlier in the week to try on some baseball 3 mitts.
The last time we got out mitts on Jeantech property, the power supply ended up being used in our test rig for months afterward thanks to its fully modular design.
That means if one falls to pieces, those pieces could be used to patch up the other - or, in the case of an ironing board cover, make the other, in the form of a lovely new pair of mitts.