TheEnd node contains dialog boxes that are displayed after the installation is complete.
I therefore askall of my colleagues to join me in correcting this mistake by cosponsoring theEnd the Mandate Act.
At theend of Stage 1, deposits have risen a total of $19,000 (the initial $10,000provided by the Federal Reserve's action plus the $9,000 in deposits created byStage 1 banks).
第一阶段末期,存款总共增加至1 9000美元(最初由美联储提供的1 0000美元加上由第一阶段由银行创造的9000美元)。
Mining operations at the existing open pit are due to cease by theend of 2012, although ERA is processing a proposal to develop the undergroundRanger 3 Deeps exploration area.
尽管ERA正在处理一份开发Ranger 3 Deeps地下勘探区的提议,但现有露天矿的开采作业将于2012年底到期。