1 词典释义:
call round
时间: 2024-11-28 11:13:49


  • I'll call round and see you on my way home.


  • Why don't you call round my house and I'll cook dinner?


  • I 'll call round at my brother' s to pick up the dictionary.


  • I always keep a bottle of wine by in case friends call round.


  • Please call round at your convenience and we'll discuss the matter.


  • So yes, I suppose you might call it gold country, but how can anyone think about gold with bears round every corner?


  • There were Volvox lookalikes, round balls of little creatures fused together to make a sphere of life rather than a separated quantity of what books like to call animalcules.


  • Please call a taxi round for me.


  • Checking is easy but expensive (you have to make an extra call to SimpleDB, which is slow since it's a whole HTTP round trip plus the processing time on Amazon's side).


  • It has call centres round the world.


  • However, a special ministerial round table held at the World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings in Singapore, ended with a strong call to donors to live up to their promises.


  • A regular round trip remote method call is modeled as two messages, one for the request and one for the response.


  • I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pull you up again when you call out to me.

    你从那儿朝下一溜,就可以深深地钻进树身里去。 我要你腰上系一根绳子,这样,你喊我的时候,便可以把你拉上来。

  • His performance was enough to merit a call-up for the 1958 FIFA World Cup in Sweden, which England exited after a first round play-off defeat by the Soviet Union.

    由于表现优秀,他被召入参加1958年瑞典世界杯的国家队阵中。 遗憾的是,英格兰队在第一轮附加赛中被苏联击败,小组赛阶段结束后就打道回府。

  • By measuring the amount of time taken executing this method, you will know how long a round-trip call into the grid is taking.


  • He supposedly got most of the way round the world and was in Italy on his way home in 1914 when the First World War broke out and he had to call the whole thing off.

    他被认为是走得最远的。 1914年第一次世界大战爆发时他正在意大利回家的路上,最后不得不取消这个赌约。

  • We need to protect small animals, especially chickens this kind of small animals, because chickens can call in the morning we wake up, can have another round of eggs, chicken can also provide for us.


  • As we can see the file reading function changes little - other than to have "async {...}" workflow wrapped round it and to make a call to the "ReadToEndAsync" function instead of "ReadToEnd".


  • The plans actually call for the pushrod guides in the block to be square, but they were easier to make round, and that's the way they are on Jerry's prototype, so Tom made them that way too.


  • I call it Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Kit.


  • It was nine o 'clock. I hurried round to Prudence's. She asked me to what she owed this early call.


  • Plans call for the Boulder location to be followed later this year by a larger, ground-up store in Round Rock, Texas.


  • Within a round or two following a putting lesson, my students will call me and tell me their three-putts have disappeared.


  • Using the driver from the client side incurs round-trip cost for every JDBC call being made.


  • The Queen did not look round. 'Off with its head! 'she shouted. 'Call for the executioner!


  • There's the added charm of traveling on vessels that, while affording all the comforts of a cruise ship, still convey cargo to 34 ports of call every day, all the year round.

    在游轮上舒舒服服的度假固然惬意,更富魅力的是,这一航线全年、每天都把34 个港口的货运联系到了一起。

  • It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it sunflower.


  • Let's round it off and call it 300$.

