In the Bean name field, enter WTS.
在Bean name字段中输入WTS。
From WTS: Wouldn't some of his skilled employees leave for more secure jobs if he didn't offer insurance.
If the logon was successful, you should see "the WTS sametime bot has logged on to sametime" in the Console view (see figure 6).
如果登录成功,在Console视图中能看到“The WTS sametime bot has logged on to sametime”(参见图6)。
The potential for remote sites and users to utilize "thin client" technologies like Citrix, Windows Terminal Server (WTS), or Web clients.
远程站点及用户使用“瘦客户端”的潜力,例如Citrix、Windows Terminal Server (WTS),或是网络客户端。
This paper introduces selection of raw material, technique properties and producing technics for WTS high efficient mortar admixture.
The sight of the WTS suction cups and tubes is enough to make even the bravest explorer cross his or her legs and ask mission control, "are we there yet?"
RiyazRocks want to be a film maker with a difference…be brave and do stuff that i always wanted to do in films. (wts ur bigest dream that u want 2 achieve ha?)
Although wavelet transforms (WTs) are being used to process fault signals of power system widely. Wavelet transforms can only filter white noises and are useless to filter colored noises.