A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic.
《牛津词典》Flying robots can carry mails to people's houses without having to deal with heavy traffic.
According to current Chinese criminal law, the heaviest penalty for a traffic offence is seven years of imprisonment, while endangering public security can carry a life sentence.
It is where the transatlantic cables that carry much of Britain's telephone and Internet traffic land.
They are extremely well-designed to handle the large volume of air traffic needed to carry out global business these days.
In addition, since the OSC is typically not designed to carry revenue generating traffic, the OSC may not always be operational.
Ninety-two per cent of horn tooting at traffic lights is done by men, while they also carry out96% of burglaries and 88% of murders.
The Friendship Bridge is able to carry road and rail cargo, but there is not much traffic at the moment.
It can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.
Motorcycles used to carry passengers in cities can be quite annoying, have bad impact on traffic, and the safety of pedestrians.
The network traffic can reflect the network performance directly. If the traffic received by the network exceeds its real carry abilities, the network performance will go to bad.
There is important directive significance to traffic planning in the research of the function of the highway, so it is very essential to carry on deeper research in this respect.
With explosive increase of air traffic volume in China, how to carry out air traffic flow management becomes more urgent.
Thess models have advantages to carry on the traffic control signal optimization and the traffic jam mechanism analysis. Furthermore, it is easily for the computer software realization.
This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.
Since many enterprises carry out distribution separately, it has caused high cost of distribution, immense pressure on city traffic and certain effects on environment.
Lastly, along with campus fact and equipment, using technology of VLAN, NAT, router access-list and network traffic flow monitoring system, we carry out basic security defense of campus network.
Carry out organized research on urban traffic engineering and traffic management.
The Chain of Rocks Bridge was built to carry the growing traffic of Route 66 around the city of St.
Thesis to transportation control the system carry on analysis research, core is to traffic sign light control the system carry on research.
Later, carry on the normal verification of traffic signal specification, in order to confirm the practicability of this asymmetry type LED.
Through discussing the important action of the grade separation hub on the urban traffic, the article sets forth the significance to carry out the study of the grade separation hub.
Have a long history in the large and medium-sized cities, to carry out the transformation of roads little room for the urban area can provide traffic supply is very limited.
The railways will carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic.
What's more, when traffic jam or accident happens, personnel from security command centers can monitor live events and carry out rescue or take corresponding actions immediately.
A road bridge have to carry a lot of traffic.
The results carry out the breakthrough of key technology of road traffic safety risk, at the same time;