1 词典释义:
majority interest
时间: 2025-03-21 22:20:46


  • This gives them majority interest in the business.


  • In northeastern China, the state still owns or controls a majority interest of roughly 90% of all enterprises.


  • Exchange bonds, in particular the majority interest bonds, is being more and more stock in hot pursuit of the diversion of funds.


  • Since the majority of special interest and social groups require volunteer members to help out, this is one of the best ways to start an active social life.


  • Banks also pay interest at different times. But the majority of them pay semiannually.


  • The majority of interest came from current owners looking to move house, while buy-to-let investors were also beginning to look at properties.


  • Drinking is addictive to the majority of young people, consuming their interest in work and eroding their aspirations for life.


  • “The vast majority of students apply for internships by location first, area of interest second, paid or unpaid third, and by name brand of the company fourth, ” Richards says.


  • However, the broad consensus that further asset purchases are not necessary does not mean that a majority of FOMC members are in any hurry to raise interest rates.


  • 80% of the developers think that operators should be simply data providers, and the vast majority has no interest in supporting a specific operator.


  • While this is of little interest to the majority of consumers, it will enable Apple to make further inroads into the corporate market with both the Mac and iPhone.


  • The price has increased in the last year despite the lack of interest in Bitcoin from Banks and a majority of more sophisticated investors.


  • As an appraisal remedy for the dissenters, the appraisal right settles the conflict of Majority Rule and the interest of minority shareholders.


  • Banks also pay interest at different times. But the majority of them pay semiannually — that is, every six months.


  • The majority of reviewers will contribute their time 'freely' because it will be viewed as part of their existing efforts to keep up-to-date in their areas of interest.


  • The public polices, which embody the interest requirement of the majority of civilians, refers to the authority distribution of the social value.


  • So, in order to protect the interest of minority shareholders, it is necessary to perfect the majority rule.


  • Zhu has a long-term active interest in football and is the chairman and majority owner of Shanghai Shenhua of the Chinese Super League.


  • In overall terms, however, globalization is in the interest of the majority of the people in the world and therefore will continue into the future.


  • Including: the lower rate of ruturn of cash holdings and agency cost of managerial or majority shareholders' self-interest.


  • I am doing this in the interest of the great majority of our people.


  • However, despite this enormous interest in music the majority of the market is still based on pirate copies and illegal downloads.


  • There still exist a few interest groups in the world, who always want to cause tension to seek gains here and there. This is against the will of the majority and the trend of the times.

    在这个世界上仍旧有少数利益集团,总想通过在这样那样的地方制造紧张态势来谋 利,这是违背大多数人民的意志和时代的潮流的。

  • The majority reacted with interest and curiosity, but about 15-17% reacted with incomprehensible hatred and anger.

    大多数人的反应是感兴趣和好奇,但是大约15 - 17%的读者反映出不可理解的憎恨和愤怒。

  • Majority decision rule bases on two suppositions: the collective intellect of majority has more truth than the one of minority, and the interest of majority is superior to the one of minority.


  • While everyone at the Aspen Institute expressed strong and positive interest in China, the majority of the United States still views China as a threat.


  • However, there are only two basic identities that interest the vast majority of scouts and coaches: Is a player a tough guy?

