I'll not labour the point.
There's no need to labour the point.
We all know what the difficult was. There was no need to labour the point.
The polls have given Labour a five-point lead.
《牛津词典》Messrs Gordon and Dew-Becker point to the rise of "superstar" Labour markets in which the best talent commands a huge premium.
Messrs Gordon和Dew - Becker指出,“超级巨星”劳动力市场的兴起让最好的人才掌握了巨额财富。
But at this point in the business cycle, Labour force growth is a positive sign.
Most studies point to the same root cause of child Labour: poverty.
There are the petty squabbles over the remote control, the age-old battles over the division of labour, all of which simmer nicely to boiling point due to the different ways men and women communicate.
So the gains from Labour arbitrage are starting to shrink, in some cases to the point of irrelevance, according to a new study by BCG.
In Canada - arguably the country whose labour market is closest in structure to the US - about four in 10 young men have worked at some point for the same employer as their fathers.
Both of the two viewpoints go against the basic point of view of Marxist Labour theory of value and real economic life.
With the materialized force and Labour force in the process of sci-tech periodicals reproduction as the starting point of studying, the value structure of academic sci-tech periodicals is analyzed.
Hence, from the point of view of countries with surplus Labour, Keynesianism is only a footnote to neoclassicism-albeit a long, important and fascinating footnote.
Indeed, we find that China is moving away from the turning point, primarily because agriculture has become more mechanised and squeezed out Labour.
What! That sounds perfectly ridiculous! Labour Day is a holiday for everyone, not just laborial staff… and we get a whole day off tomorrow anyway, so what's the point of an extra hour tonight?
But at this point in the business cycle, labour force growth is a positive sign. Still, all involved would prefer to see the economy adding far more jobs;