We need master AWB please send to us.
Delivery date is considered as the date of Airway Bill (AWB).
If the payment terms is "freight prepaid", issue B/L or AWB against payment.
The awb is DRAGON #. Please advise your comments once received the color swatchesthanks.
运单号是DRAGON #, 请一旦收到颜色样品时给我们意见。
Remind you: every AWB should identify each kind of goods brand, name, number and capacity.
You may have received a DHL AWB number XXXXXXXXX but please ignore this - we apologise for any confusion.
In this paper, the design and implement of CMOS graphic sensor digital pre-disposing circuit's AWB module are achieved.
For now, the improving outlook for demand and prices is helping to boost the outlook for big Australian companies such as AWB Ltd., an agribusiness company.
眼下,不断好转的需求和价格预期开始帮助提振对农业综合企业AWB Ltd .等澳大利亚大型企业的前景预期。
Is this CTD acceptable under this credit instead of the presentation of a B/L covering the entire journey by sea or an AWB covering the entire journey by air?
那么在该信用证项下提交这种联合运输单据取代覆盖海运 全程的提单或者是覆盖空运全程的空运单是否可以接受呢?
Party B will check and accept goods and AWB according to Delivery List, then sign on Delivery List as pickup confirmation and supervise goods loading onto trucks.