1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-15 11:26:26


  • The dancers came out onto the ice.


  • Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris.


  • With a remarkable piece of seamanship, the captain steered the ship out of the ice and turned north.


  • If you leave, for example, a bar of ice supported only at one end, the end, the unsupported end will deform under its own weight, it'll kind of flatten out at one end, get distorted, deformed.


  • I had another helping of ice cream out of pure greed.


  • "The parents come out barefoot and screaming, ready to buy ice cream; they remember when they were kids and they saw a truck," she said.


  • As I was walking, I just saw Jack running onto the ice towards the ducks in the middle, and then he fell into the water and couldn't climb out.


  • As Anthony Hallam has pointed out, many scientific phenomena, such as the ice ages, have been accepted before they could be fully explained.


  • "The parents come out barefoot and screaming, ready to buy ice-cream; they remember when they were kids and they saw a truck," she said.


  • The forward movement, the melting at the base of the glacier where it meets the ocean, and waves and tidal action cause blocks of ice to break off and float out to sea.


  • Marchenko prepared to lead his students out onto the Ice.


  • Turns out the Cremonese violins were made from trees that grew during a Little Ice Age, a period when temperatures across Europe were significantly lower than normal.


  • Everything out-of-doors was covered with ice and snow, and the wind blew so that it cut the face.


  • They can go beneath the ice, and then to hibernate as the ices closes in, until we need them to carry out their research in unreachable areas.


  • We have been out on the ice since March and the Arctic summer is nearly here.


  • Martin Elkort states, "Ice cream brings out the best in people."


  • Whereas it can take several minutes for hot gas to get the ice out of the mold, a high-power electrical pulse takes about four seconds.


  • They usually roam the ice alone but sometimes hang out in groups, especially babies with their mothers.


  • The geological record holds clues to understand how the current ice loss will play out.


  • Even an Ice Hotel in Sweden has got in on the action by creating a Tron suite completely out of ice and lights.

    现在全球都在对" 光速战记 "这部电影非常的痴迷和期待.到处都是和"光速战记"相关周边和装饰.一家瑞典的宾馆开始着手用冰块和灯饰复现了"战记"电影中的一个套房场景.

  • She hobbled across the snow, but as soon as she stepped onto the ice, her feet flew out from under her.

    她步履蹒跚地在雪地上走着。 但刚踏上冰面,米奇就双脚一滑,整个人一下子飞了出去。

  • The gas cools off enough for the metal, rock and (far enough from the forming star) ice to condense out into tiny particles.


  • Our tents were pitched on a sandy moraine shore opposite the massive Blomstrand Glacier - a monster of moving ice that lets out groans and cracks as it calves icebergs into the sea.


  • We pulled up at a canvas tent out on the ice that seemed to stretch to eternity.


  • He found the bowl, got out the ice cream and opened a drawer to get the spoon when, Surprise!


  • He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum.


  • Give them some money to take their younger siblings out for ice cream.

