This aircraft was equipped with inflated pontoons to permit alighting on the water.
In 1961, with the help pf steel cables and huge inflatable pontoons, the Vasa rose again from the deep.
The floating design, which relies on concrete pontoons that are anchored by underwater weights, was the perfect solution.
Thailand, for instance, is experimenting with floating homes that can rise up above the waters on pontoons filled with styrofoam.
The Vessel has leave to proceed to and from any wet or dry docks harbours ways cradles and pontoons, within the limits specified in this insurance.
The Vessel has leave to proceed to and from any wet or dry docks harbours ways cradles and pontoons, within the limits specified in this insurance.
Rest of airframe welded steel tube, with pilot and fixed fin at rear and engine and fuel tank at front, resting on two pontoons of rubberized fabric.
A new technology is brought forward to overcome tipping by fixing pontoons with optimal size and position at stern in order to increase buoyancy of stern.
Modular rafts—platforms mounted on pontoons—would be linked together by hinges to create large, flattish surfaces that could nevertheless bend with the waves.
The author puts forward the NT coefficient of the inland river pontoons of different functions and uses. The results could be referenced for revise and complete the Tonnage Regulation.
In a later development, the floating roof was built with a series of "pontoons, " or closed compartments, around its outer edge to increase floating stability and to simplify the structure.