During this renovation the building's owners, CIS, consulted the solar panel company, Solarcentury.
在这次翻新期间,大楼的所有者 CIS 公司咨询了太阳能电池板公司 Solarcentury。
During this renovation, the building's owners, CIS, consulted the solar panel company, Solarcentury.
在改造过程中,业主 CIS 咨询了太阳能电池板公司太阳能世纪(Solarcentury)。
Why is the new solar panel more scientific and useful?
Scientists at Suzhou University, China, have invented a new solar panel now.
It can be hand charged and also can be recharged by connecting to a solar panel.
When a raindrop falls on the solar panel and then rolls down, it creates friction on the surface of the panel, which can then be turned into electricity.
Photo of sensors attached to a solar panel.
The battery is charged by a solar panel whenever possible.
In 2008 and 2009, the average price of a solar panel halved.
Other solar panel manufacturers are also struggling in the United States.
Flipping it over though reveals the kicker-a solar panel for charging in the sun.
The tower features integrated photovoltaics, the latest in solar panel technology.
This iPad hat makes the wearer look more like she's attached to a mobile solar panel.
So if solar is such an infant technology, does that mean the Gates home is solar panel-free?
“There’s no impediment to making a whole table of them similar to a solar panel,” Lozano said.
“完全没有障碍来使用它们制作一张表格状的类似一个太阳能面板。” Lozano说。
“There’s no impediment to making a whole table of them similar to a solar panel, ” Lozano said.
“完全没有障碍来使用它们制作一张表格状的类似一个太阳能面板。” Lozano说。
Some analysts are less pessimistic about the prospects for solar panel manufacturers in the West.
The first solar panel is placed behind the screen; the second is placed beneath a touch keyboard.
But so little is used that the new technique would add only a few cents to the price of a solar panel.
It will eventually be connected to a solar panel, allowing it to power everything from lamps to laptops.
This told them that they could ultimately use a smaller solar panel to do the job, which would reduce cost.
The solar panel can charge a mobile phone or a pack of batteries capable of providing light all evening.
The researchers propose creating a biological solar panel, which will contain diatoms instead of photovoltaic cells.
There's no electricity beyond that provided by one old solar panel that powers two dim lights for a few hours a day.
Samsung unveiled the Blue Earth touchscreen phone which has a solar panel on the back that can charge the phone.
The green features include a hydrogenfuel cell, a solar panel system including recharging hubs and batterygenerators.
Thisweek, however, a Californian company launched a new type of solar panel thattries to overcome these problems.
He and his colleagues have been talking about a solar panel that could extract this oil instead of producing electricity.
One design that's making a splash is a toilet that uses solar panel to power the pot's electrochemical system (photo, top).
If light does reflect off either the glass or semiconductor surfaces, the film redirects much of it back into the solar panel.