It is possible that early examples are in one species group and later examples in the other.
From the age scope and total amount, the species group of seedlings under forest crowns has stability.
As one of the four species of the original tea species group in Hunan province, Duntsa tea contains 38.
The invasive species group included 75 light-loving species, which increased their density before stand closed and afterwards decreased.
Using this medium, the same species may be grouped into species group, and it is possible to identify the names of species group directly on the plate.
Last week, the group of scientists said they had found important biological qualities in some bat species.
Assisted migration means picking up members of a species, or members of a group of interdependent species and physically moving or translocating them.
Early therapods, the group of dinosaurs that includes all meat-eating species from Velociraptor to Tyrannosaurus rex, gained ground and thrived.
In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species.
This conservation group wants to translocate seedlings, Florida Torreya seedlings, 500 kilometers north in order to expand the species' range.
A drifting soup of microscopic algae, creatures and bacteria, they are not even one group of species but bridge entire taxonomic kingdoms.
Predation can affect the behavior, group structure, body size and other characteristics of a species.
FUNGI are a much maligned group of species.
The predator has been identified as a new species of pliosaur, a group of extinct aquatic reptiles that had huge skulls, short necks and four flippers to power them through the water.
Each member of a bacterial species, or group of species, has a subset of genes (numbering hundreds, or a few thousand) drawn from a pool containing many thousands.
The group calls for EU and CITES members (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) to stop supporting legal ivory sales.
In Africa several other mosquito vectors have been implicated in disease transmission, including species of the A. furcifer-taylori group and A. luteocephalus.
非洲几种其他种类的媒介类蚊子也与疾病传播有关,包括a . furcifer - taylori种群蚊子和a . luteocephalus蚊子。
“I think the Japanese are against any further inclusions of marine species into CITES, ” observed Sue Lieberman of the Pew Environment Group.
“我认为日本抵制任何在CITES中包含更多海洋物种的努力。” 皮尤环境团体的Sue Liebeman观察说。
Threats: Probably the least threatened group and the cause of threat to many other species in the form of disease.
An environmental group is seeking to list the walrus as an endangered or threatened species because of disappearing summer sea ice.
With over 2,000 living species, rodents are by far the largest group of mammals.
With over 2, 000 living species, rodents are by far the largest group of mammals.
The new species belongs to a group of dinosaurs called the Ornithischia.
The idea that birds—the most diverse group of land vertebrates, with nearly 10, 000 living species—descended directly from dinosaurs isn't new.
The two green and pink morphs were confirmed as distinct species, but King's group found the pink morph can be further subdivided into three species.
Female argonauts, a group of four species that are close Cousins of octopuses, grow delicate white shell-like cases.
In each group there are generally three people (usually men in this case) : the leader and another "observer" (looking out for species) and a guard (just in case).
Red and pink coral, a group of deep-sea species that have suffered from years of over-exploitation, were turned down for an Appendix 2 listing.
The team has been careful not to call Denisovans a new species, opting instead to label them as a Neanderthal "sister group."
Half-a-dozen species of endangered sharks hunted on the high seas to satisfy a burgeoning Asian market for sharkfin soup are now protected in the Atlantic, a fisheries group decided Saturday.
这些深海中的濒危鲨鱼(译者注:不论类别,只论数量,也即,只要稀缺,就是濒危)是被猎来作“鱼翅汤”的——鱼翅汤是闻名遐迩的奢侈型美食,其亚洲市场需求呈现爆发性增长。 但是,一家渔人集团却在本周六作出决定,将大西洋深海中的濒危鲨鱼作为保护对象。