The substr function returns a part of a string.
SUBSTR calculates lengths using characters as defined by the input character set.
This explains the use of substr (text, match [0], match [1]) in the last line of code.
这解释了最后一行代码中substr (text, match [0],match[1])的使用。
Mask column 3 by entering the following in the field that contains COL3: SUBSTR (COL3, 1, 5).
通过在包含COL3的字段中输入下面的内容可以屏蔽列3:substr (COL3, 1,5)。
Functions like SUBSTR and LENGTH work with characters when called in conjunction with UCS-2 data types.
当用ucs - 2数据类型调用时,SUBSTR和LENGTH等函数处理字符。
I'm choosing to use the strip_tags and substr functions to remove all HTML tags from the search term and to cut it down to size.
我选择使用strip _ tags和substr函数来删除搜索词内的所有HTML标记并对之进行简化。
Tie::CharArray is in fact a very good way to forget about the particulars of the Perl substr() or pack()/unpack() or split() functions.
CharArray 实际上是不考虑有关 Perl 中 substr() 或 pack() / unpack() 或者 split() 函数的细节的极佳办法。
You saw in Part 1, Figure 13 that the cn attribute type has a field called substr, which defines the matching rules for substring match.
An implementation like that makes use of the fact that functions like SUBSTR and LENGTH still work correctly on the GRAPHIC data type.
In combination with the data types that use UTF-8 encoding, functions like SUBSTR and LENGTH still work with bytes and not with characters.
在与使用UTF - 8编码的数据类型结合使用时,SUBSTR和LENGTH等函数仍然处理字节而不是字符。
I cheated and discovered that there was a comma in position4 of every row in the table that's how I knew to use a three character length in my SUBSTR.
I cheated and discovered that there was a comma in position 4 of every row in the table that's how I knew to use a three character length in my SUBSTR.
People have used many methods to make the cathode, in recent years, the film-cathode method that coated with the films of other materials on the substr.
Length of a string variable: Input argument for the SUBSTR function, which determines the desired length of the resulting string or output of the length function.
You could simulate an array by passing one or more varchar (255) fields with comma-separated values and then use a WHILE loop with PATINDEX and SUBSTR to extract the values.